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textprop - Vim Documentation

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textprop.txt  For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Jun 08

                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar

Displaying text with properties attached.       textprop text-properties

1. Introduction                 text-prop-intro
2. Functions                    text-prop-functions
3. When text changes            text-prop-changes

{not able to use text properties when the +textprop feature was
disabled at compile time}

1. Introduction                                         text-prop-intro

Text properties can be attached to text in a buffer.  They will move with the
text: If lines are deleted or inserted the properties move with the text they
are attached to.  Also when inserting/deleting text in the line before the
text property.  And when inserting/deleting text inside the text property, it
will increase/decrease in size.

The main use for text properties is to highlight text.  This can be seen as a
replacement for syntax highlighting.  Instead of defining patterns to match
the text, the highlighting is set by a script, possibly using the output of an
external parser.  This only needs to be done once, not every time when
redrawing the screen, thus can be much faster, after the initial cost of
attaching the text properties.

Text properties can also be used for other purposes to identify text.  For
example, add a text property on a function name, so that a search can be
defined to jump to the next/previous function.

A text property is attached at a specific line and column, and has a specified
length.  The property can span multiple lines.

A text property has these fields:
        "id"            a number to be used as desired
        "type"          the name of a property type

Property Types
A text property normally has the name of a property type, which defines
how to highlight the text.  The property type can have these entries:
        "highlight"     name of the highlight group to use
        "combine"       when omitted or TRUE the text property highlighting is
                        combined with any syntax highlighting; when FALSE the
                        text property highlighting replaces the syntax
        "priority"      when properties overlap, the one with the highest
                        priority will be used.
        "start_incl"    when TRUE inserts at the start position will be
                        included in the text property
        "end_incl"      when TRUE inserts at the end position will be
                        included in the text property


Suppose line 11 in a buffer has this text (excluding the indent):

        The number 123 is smaller than 4567.

To highlight the numbers in this text:
        call prop_type_add('number', {'highlight': 'Constant'})
        call prop_add(11, 12, {'length': 3, 'type': 'number'})
        call prop_add(11, 32, {'length': 4, 'type': 'number'})

Try inserting or deleting lines above the text, you will see that the text
properties stick to the text, thus the line number is adjusted as needed.

Setting "start_incl" and "end_incl" is useful when white space surrounds the
text, e.g. for a function name.  Using false is useful when the text starts
and/or ends with a specific character, such as the quote surrounding a string.

        func FuncName(arg)
             ^^^^^^^^        property with start_incl and end_incl set

        var = "text";
              ^^^^^^         property with start_incl and end_incl not set

Nevertheless, when text is inserted or deleted the text may need to be parsed
and the text properties updated.  But this can be done asynchronously.

Internal error E967

If you see E967, please report the bug.  You can do this at Github:

2. Functions                                            text-prop-functions

Manipulating text property types:

prop_type_add({name}{props})          define a new property type
prop_type_change({name}{props})       change an existing property type
prop_type_delete({name} [, {props}])    delete a property type
prop_type_get({name} [, {props}])       get property type values
prop_type_list([{props}])               get list of property types

Manipulating text properties:

prop_add({lnum}{col}{props})        add a text property
prop_add_list({props}, [{item}, ...])
                                        add a text property at multiple
prop_clear({lnum} [, {lnum-end} [, {bufnr}]])
                                        remove all text properties
prop_find({props} [, {direction}])      search for a text property
prop_list({lnum} [, {props}])           text properties in {lnum}
prop_remove({props} [, {lnum} [, {lnum-end}]])
                                        remove a text property


                                                prop_add() E965
                Attach a text property at position {lnum}{col}.  {col} is
                counted in bytes, use one for the first column.
                If {lnum} is invalid an error is given. E966
                If {col} is invalid an error is given. E964

                {props} is a dictionary with these fields:
                   type         name of the text property type
                   length       length of text in bytes, can only be used
                                for a property that does not continue in
                                another line; can be zero
                   end_lnum     line number for the end of text (inclusive)
                   end_col      column just after the text; not used when
                                "length" is present; when {col} and "end_col"
                                are equal, and "end_lnum" is omitted or equal
                                to {lnum}, this is a zero-width text property
                   bufnr        buffer to add the property to; when omitted
                                the current buffer is used
                   id           user defined ID for the property; must be a
                                number, should be positive; when using "text"
                                then "id" must not be present and will be set
                                automatically to a negative number; otherwise
                                zero is used
                   text         text to be displayed before {col}, or
                                above/below the line if {col} is zero; prepend
                                and/or append spaces for padding with
                                highlighting; cannot be used with "length",
                                "end_lnum" and "end_col"
                                See virtual-text for more information.
                   text_align   when "text" is present and {col} is zero;
                                specifies where to display the text:
                                   after   after the end of the line
                                   right   right aligned in the window (unless
                                           the text wraps to the next screen
                                   below   in the next screen line
                                   above   just above the line
                                When omitted "after" is used.  Only one
                                "right" property can fit in each line, if
                                there are two or more these will go in a
                                separate line (still right aligned).
                   text_padding_left                            E1296
                                used when "text" is present and {col} is zero;
                                padding between the end of the text line
                                (leftmost column for "above" and "below") and
                                the virtual text, not highlighted
                   text_wrap    when "text" is present and {col} is zero,
                                specifies what happens if the text doesn't
                                   wrap      wrap the text to the next line
                                   truncate  truncate the text to make it fit
                                When omitted "truncate" is used.
                                Note that this applies to the individual text
                                property, the 'wrap' option sets the overall
                All fields except "type" are optional.

                It is an error when both "length" and "end_lnum" or "end_col"
                are given.  Either use "length" or "end_col" for a property
                within one line, or use "end_lnum" and "end_col" for a
                property that spans more than one line.
                When neither "length" nor "end_col" are given the property
                will be zero-width.  That means it will move with the text, as
                a kind of mark.  One character will be highlighted, if the
                type specifies highlighting.
                The property can end exactly at the last character of the
                text, or just after it.  In the last case, if text is appended
                to the line, the text property size will increase, also when
                the property type does not have "end_incl" set.

                "type" will first be looked up in the buffer the property is
                added to. When not found, the global property types are used.
                If not found an error is given.
                When "text" is used and the column is non-zero then this text
                will be displayed at the specified start location of the text
                property.  The text of the buffer line will be shifted to make
                room.  This is called "virtual text".
                When the column is zero the virtual text will appear above,
                after or below the buffer text.  The "text_align" and
                "text_wrap" arguments determine how it is displayed.
                To separate the virtual text from the buffer text prepend
                and/or append spaces to the "text" field or use the
                "text_padding_left" value.

                Make sure to use a highlight that makes clear to the user that
                this is virtual text, otherwise it will be very confusing that
                the text cannot be edited.  When using "above" you need to
                make clear this text belongs to the text line below it, when
                using "below" you need to make sure it belongs to the text
                line above it.

                The text will be displayed but it is not part of the actual
                buffer line, the cursor cannot be placed on it.  A mouse click
                in the text will move the cursor to the first character after
                the text, or the last character of the line.
                Any Tab and other control character in the text will be
                changed to a space (Rationale: otherwise the size of the text
                is difficult to compute).
                A negative "id" will be chosen and is returned.

                Before text properties with text were supported it was
                possible to use a negative "id", even though this was very
                rare.  Now that negative "id"s are reserved for text
                properties with text an error is given when using a negative
                "id".  When a text property with text already exists using a
                negative "id" results in E1293 .  If a negative "id" was
                used and later a text property with text is added results in
                E1339 .

                Can also be used as a method:
                        GetLnum()->prop_add(col, props)

                Return type: Number

prop_add_list({props}, [{item}, ...])                   prop_add_list()
                Similar to prop_add(), but attaches a text property at
                multiple positions in a buffer.

                {props} is a dictionary with these fields:
                   bufnr        buffer to add the property to; when omitted
                                the current buffer is used
                   id           user defined ID for the property; must be a
                                number; when omitted zero is used
                   type         name of the text property type
                All fields except "type" are optional.

                The second argument is a List of items, where each {item} is a
                list that specifies the starting and ending position of the
                text: [{lnum}{col}{end-lnum}{end-col}]
                or:   [{lnum}{col}{end-lnum}{end-col}{id}]

                The first two items {lnum} and {col} specify the starting
                position of the text where the property will be attached.
                The next two items {end-lnum} and {end-col} specify the
                position just after the text.
                An optional fifth item {id} can be used to give a different ID
                to a property.  When omitted the ID from {props} is used,
                falling back to zero if none are present.

                It is not possible to add a text property with a "text" field

                        call prop_add_list(#{type: 'MyProp', id: 2},
                                        \ [[1, 4, 1, 7],
                                        \  [1, 15, 1, 20],
                                        \  [2, 30, 3, 30]]

                Can also be used as a method:
                        GetProp()->prop_add_list([[1, 1, 1, 2], [1, 4, 1, 8]])

prop_clear({lnum} [, {lnum-end} [, {props}]])           prop_clear()
                Remove all text properties from line {lnum}.
                When {lnum-end} is given, remove all text properties from line
                {lnum} to {lnum-end} (inclusive).

                When {props} contains a "bufnr" item use this buffer,
                otherwise use the current buffer.

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: Number

prop_find({props} [, {direction}])                      prop_find()
                Search for a text property as specified with {props}:
                   id           property with this ID
                   type         property with this type name
                   both         "id" and "type" must both match
                   bufnr        buffer to search in; when present a
                                start position with "lnum" and "col"
                                must be given; when omitted the
                                current buffer is used
                   lnum         start in this line (when omitted start
                                at the cursor)
                   col          start at this column (when omitted
                                and "lnum" is given: use column 1,
                                otherwise start at the cursor)
                   skipstart    do not look for a match at the start

                A property matches when either "id" or "type" matches.
                {direction} can be "f" for forward and "b" for backward.  When
                omitted forward search is performed.

                If a match is found then a Dict is returned with the entries
                as with prop_list(), and additionally an "lnum" entry.
                If no match is found then an empty Dict is returned.

                Return type: dict<any>

prop_list({lnum} [, {props}])                           prop_list()
                Returns a List with all the text properties in line {lnum}.

                The following optional items are supported in {props}:
                   bufnr        use this buffer instead of the current buffer
                   end_lnum     return text properties in all the lines
                                between {lnum} and {end_lnum} (inclusive).
                                A negative value is used as an offset from the
                                last buffer line; -1 refers to the last buffer
                   types        List of property type names. Return only text
                                properties that match one of the type names.
                   ids          List of property identifiers. Return only text
                                properties with one of these identifiers.

                The properties are ordered by starting column and priority.
                Each property is a Dict with these entries:
                   lnum         starting line number. Present only when
                                returning text properties between {lnum} and
                   col          starting column
                   length       length in bytes, one more if line break is
                   id           property ID
                   text         text to be displayed before {col}.  Only
                                present for virtual-text properties.
                   text_align   alignment property of virtual-text.
                                left padding used for virtual text.
                   text_wrap    specifies whether virtual-text is wrapped.
                   type         name of the property type, omitted if
                                the type was deleted
                   type_bufnr   buffer number for which this type was defined;
                                0 if the type is global
                   start        when TRUE property starts in this line
                   end          when TRUE property ends in this line

                When "start" is zero the property started in a previous line,
                the current one is a continuation.
                When "end" is zero the property continues in the next line.
                The line break after this line is included.

                Returns an empty list on error.

                   " get text properties placed in line 5
                   echo prop_list(5)
                   " get text properties placed in line 20 in buffer 4
                   echo prop_list(20, {'bufnr': 4})
                   " get all the text properties between line 1 and 20
                   echo prop_list(1, {'end_lnum': 20})
                   " get all the text properties of type 'myprop'
                   echo prop_list(1, {'types': ['myprop'],
                                                \ 'end_lnum': -1})
                   " get all the text properties of type 'prop1' or 'prop2'
                   echo prop_list(1, {'types': ['prop1', 'prop2'],
                                                \ 'end_lnum': -1})
                   " get all the text properties with ID 8
                   echo prop_list(1, {'ids': [8], 'end_lnum': line('$')})
                   " get all the text properties with ID 10 and 20
                   echo prop_list(1, {'ids': [10, 20], 'end_lnum': -1})
                   " get text properties with type 'myprop' and ID 100
                   " in buffer 4.
                   echo prop_list(1, {'bufnr': 4, 'types': ['myprop'],
                                        \ 'ids'[100], 'end_lnum': -1})

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: list<dict<any>> or list<any>

                                                prop_remove() E968 E860
prop_remove({props} [, {lnum} [, {lnum-end}]])
                Remove a matching text property from line {lnum}.  When
                {lnum-end} is given, remove matching text properties from line
                {lnum} to {lnum-end} (inclusive).
                When {lnum} is omitted remove matching text properties from
                all lines (this requires going over all lines, thus will be a
                bit slow for a buffer with many lines).

                {props} is a dictionary with these fields:
                   id           remove text properties with this ID
                   type         remove text properties with this type name
                   types        remove text properties with type names in this
                   both         "id" and "type"/"types" must both match
                   bufnr        use this buffer instead of the current one
                   all          when TRUE remove all matching text properties,
                                not just the first one
                Only one of "type" and "types" may be supplied. E1295

                A property matches when either "id" or one of the supplied
                types matches.
                If buffer "bufnr" does not exist you get an error message.
                If buffer "bufnr" is not loaded then nothing happens.

                Returns the number of properties that were removed.

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: Number

prop_type_add({name}{props})          prop_type_add() E969 E970
                Add a text property type {name}.  If a property type with this
                name already exists an error is given.  Nothing is returned.
                {props} is a dictionary with these optional fields:
                   bufnr        define the property only for this buffer; this
                                avoids name collisions and automatically
                                clears the property types when the buffer is
                   highlight    name of highlight group to use
                   priority     when a character has multiple text
                                properties the one with the highest priority
                                will be used; negative values can be used, the
                                default priority is zero
                   combine      when omitted or TRUE combine the highlight
                                with any syntax highlight; when FALSE syntax
                                highlight will not be used
                   override     when TRUE the highlight overrides any other,
                                including 'cursorline' and Visual
                   start_incl   when TRUE inserts at the start position will
                                be included in the text property
                   end_incl     when TRUE inserts at the end position will be
                                included in the text property

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: Number

prop_type_change({name}{props})                       prop_type_change()
                Change properties of an existing text property type.  If a
                property with this name does not exist an error is given.
                The {props} argument is just like prop_type_add().

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: Number

prop_type_delete({name} [, {props}])                    prop_type_delete()
                Remove the text property type {name}.  When text properties
                using the type {name} are still in place, they will not have
                an effect and can no longer be removed by name.

                {props} can contain a "bufnr" item.  When it is given, delete
                a property type from this buffer instead of from the global
                property types.

                When text property type {name} is not found there is no error.

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: Number

prop_type_get({name} [, {props}])                       prop_type_get()
                Returns the properties of property type {name}.  This is a
                dictionary with the same fields as was given to
                When the property type {name} does not exist, an empty
                dictionary is returned.

                {props} can contain a "bufnr" item.  When it is given, use
                this buffer instead of the global property types.

                Can also be used as a method:

                Return type: dict<any>

prop_type_list([{props}])                               prop_type_list()
                Returns a list with all property type names.

                {props} can contain a "bufnr" item.  When it is given, use
                this buffer instead of the global property types.

                Return type: list<string> or list<any>

3. When text changes                            text-prop-changes

Vim will do its best to keep the text properties on the text where it was
attached.  When inserting or deleting text the properties after the change
will move accordingly.

When text is deleted and a text property no longer includes any text, it is
deleted.  However, a text property that was defined as zero-width will remain,
unless the whole line is deleted.
When a buffer is unloaded, all the text properties are gone.  There is no way
to store the properties in a file.  You can only re-create them.  When a
buffer is hidden the text is preserved and so are the text properties.  It is
not possible to add text properties to an unloaded buffer.

When using replace mode, the text properties stay on the same character
positions, even though the characters themselves change.

To update text properties after the text was changed, install a callback with
listener_add().  E.g, if your plugin does spell checking, you can have the
callback update spelling mistakes in the changed text.  Vim will move the
properties below the changed text, so that they still highlight the same text,
thus you don't need to update these.

Text property columns are not updated or copied:

- When setting the line with setline() or through an interface, such as Lua,
  Tcl or Python.  Vim does not know what text got inserted or deleted.
- With a command like :move, which takes a line of text out of context.
