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ft_rust.txt      Filetype plugin for Rust

CONTENTS                                                      rust

1. Introduction                                                   rust-intro
2. Settings                                                    rust-settings
3. Commands                                                    rust-commands
4. Mappings                                                    rust-mappings

INTRODUCTION                                                      rust-intro

This plugin provides syntax and supporting functionality for the Rust
filetype. It requires Vim 8 or higher for full functionality. Some commands
will not work on earlier versions.

SETTINGS                                                       rust-settings

This plugin has a few variables you can define in your vimrc that change the
behavior of the plugin.

Some variables can be set buffer local (:b prefix), and the buffer local
will take precedence over the global g: counterpart.

        Set this option to the path to rustc for use in the :RustRun and
        :RustExpand commands. If unset, "rustc" will be located in $PATH:
            let g:rustc_path = $HOME."/bin/rustc"

        Set this option to 1 to have 'makeprg' default to "rustc" instead of
        "rustc %":
            let g:rustc_makeprg_no_percent = 1

        Set this option to turn on the basic conceal support:
            let g:rust_conceal = 1

        Set this option to turn on conceal for the path connecting token
            let g:rust_conceal_mod_path = 1

        Set this option to turn on conceal for the "pub" token:
            let g:rust_conceal_pub = 1

        Set this option to enable vim indentation and textwidth settings to
        conform to style conventions of the rust standard library (i.e. use 4
        spaces for indents and sets 'textwidth' to 99). This option is enabled
        by default. To disable it:
            let g:rust_recommended_style = 0

        Set this option to turn on folding:
            let g:rust_fold = 1

        Value           Effect
        0               No folding
        1               Braced blocks are folded. All folds are open by
        2               Braced blocks are folded. 'foldlevel' is left at the
                        global value (all folds are closed by default).

        Set this option to 1 to preserve the leader on multi-line doc comments
        using the /*! syntax:
            let g:rust_bang_comment_leader = 1

        Set this option to 1 if you have customized ctags definitions for Rust
        and do not wish for those included with rust.vim to be used:
            let g:rust_use_custom_ctags_defs = 1

        NOTE: rust.vim's built-in definitions are only used for the Tagbar Vim
        plugin, if you have it installed, AND if Universal Ctags is not
        detected. This is because Universal Ctags already has built-in
        support for Rust when used with Tagbar.

        Also, note that when using ctags other than Universal Ctags, it is not
        automatically used when generating tags files that Vim can use to
        navigate to definitions across different source files. Feel free to
        copy rust.vim/ctags/rust.ctags into your own ~/.ctags if you wish
        to generate tags files.

        Set this option to a path that should be prepended to 'path' for Rust
        source files:
            let g:ftplugin_rust_source_path = $HOME.'/dev/rust'

        Set this option to the name of the 'rustfmt' executable in your $PATH. If
        not specified it defaults to 'rustfmt' :
            let g:rustfmt_command = 'rustfmt'

        Set this option to 1 to run :RustFmt automatically when saving a
        buffer. If not specified it defaults to 0 :
            let g:rustfmt_autosave = 0

        There is also a buffer-local b:rustfmt_autosave that can be set for
        the same purpose, and can override the global setting.

        Set this option to 1 to have b:rustfmt_autosave be set automatically
        if a rustfmt.toml file is present in any parent directly leading to
        the file being edited. If not set, default to 0:
            let g:rustfmt_autosave_if_config_present = 0

        This is useful to have rustfmt only execute on save, on projects
        that have rustfmt.toml configuration.

        There is also a buffer-local b:rustfmt_autosave_if_config_present
        that can be set for the same purpose, which can overrides the global
        Set this option to 1 to prevent 'rustfmt' from populating the
        location-list with errors. If not specified it defaults to 0:
            let g:rustfmt_fail_silently = 0

        Set this option to a string of options to pass to 'rustfmt'. The
        write-mode is already set to 'overwrite'. If not specified it
        defaults to '' :
            let g:rustfmt_options = ''

        If not specified rust.vim tries to detect the right parameter to
        pass to rustfmt based on its reported version. Otherwise, it
        determines whether to run rustfmt with '--emit=files' (when 1 is
        provided) instead of '--write-mode=overwrite'.
            let g:rustfmt_emit_files = 0

        Set this option to override the url for the playpen to use:
            let g:rust_playpen_url = ''

        Set this option to override the url for the url shortener:
            let g:rust_shortener_url = ''

        Set this option to the command used in your OS to copy the Rust Play
        url to the clipboard:
            let g:rust_clip_command = 'xclip -selection clipboard'

        Set this option to the string of parameters to pass to cargo. If not
        specified it defaults to '$*' :
            let g:cargo_makeprg_params = 'build'

        Set this option to change how to run shell commands for cargo commands
        :Cargo:Cbuild:Crun, ...
        By default, :terminal is used to run shell command in terminal window
        asynchronously. But if you prefer :! for running the commands, it can
        be specified:
            let g:cargo_shell_command_runner = '!'

Integration with Syntastic                                    rust-syntastic

This plugin automatically integrates with the Syntastic checker. There are two
checkers provided: 'rustc', and 'cargo'. The latter invokes 'Cargo' in order to
build code, and the former delivers a single edited '.rs' file as a compilation
target directly to the Rust compiler, rustc.

Because Cargo is almost exclusively being used for building Rust code these
days, 'cargo' is the default checker.

    let g:syntastic_rust_checkers = ['cargo']

If you would like to change it, you can set g:syntastic_rust_checkers to a
different value.
        When editing a crate that is part of a Cargo workspace, and this
        option is set to 1 (the default), then 'cargo' will be executed
        directly in that crate directory instead of in the workspace
        directory. Setting 0 prevents this behavior - however be aware that if
        you are working in large workspace, Cargo commands may take more time,
        plus the Syntastic error list may include all the crates in the
            let g:rust_cargo_avoid_whole_workspace = 0

        When set to 1, the --all-targets option will be passed to cargo when
        Syntastic executes it, allowing the linting of all targets under the
        The default is 0.

        When set to 1, the --all-features option will be passed to cargo when
        Syntastic executes it, allowing the linting of all features of the
        The default is 0.

        When set to 1, the --examples option will be passed to cargo when
        Syntastic executes it, to prevent the exclusion of examples from
        linting. The examples are normally under the examples/ directory of
        the crate.
        The default is 0.

        When set to 1, the --tests option will be passed to cargo when
        Syntastic executes it, to prevent the exclusion of tests from linting.
        The tests are normally under the tests/ directory of the crate.
        The default is 0.

        When set to 1, the --benches option will be passed to cargo when
        Syntastic executes it.  The benches are normally under the benches/
        directory of the crate.
        The default is 0.

Integration with auto-pairs                                    rust-auto-pairs

This plugin automatically configures the auto-pairs plugin not to duplicate
single quotes, which are used more often for lifetime annotations than for
single character literals.


        Don't override auto-pairs default for the Rust filetype. The default
        is 0.

COMMANDS                                                       rust-commands

Invoking Cargo

This plug defines very simple shortcuts for invoking Cargo from with Vim.

:Cargo <args>                                                       :Cargo
                Runs 'cargo' with the provided arguments.

:Cbuild <args>                                                     :Cbuild
                Shortcut for 'cargo build`.

:Cclean <args>                                                     :Cclean
                Shortcut for 'cargo clean`.

:Cdoc <args>                                                         :Cdoc
                Shortcut for 'cargo doc`.

:Cinit <args>                                                       :Cinit
                Shortcut for 'cargo init`.

:Crun <args>                                                         :Crun
                Shortcut for 'cargo run`.

:Ctest <args>                                                       :Ctest
                Shortcut for 'cargo test`.

:Cupdate <args>                                                   :Cupdate
                Shortcut for 'cargo update`.

:Cbench <args>                                                     :Cbench
                Shortcut for 'cargo bench`.

:Csearch <args>                                                   :Csearch
                Shortcut for 'cargo search`.

:Cpublish <args>                                                 :Cpublish
                Shortcut for 'cargo publish`.

:Cinstall <args>                                                 :Cinstall
                Shortcut for 'cargo install`.

:Cruntarget <args>                                                 :Cruntarget
                Shortcut for 'cargo run --bin' or 'cargo run --example',
                depending on the currently open buffer.


:RustFmt                                                       :RustFmt
                Runs g:rustfmt_command on the current buffer. If
                g:rustfmt_options is set then those will be passed to the

                If g:rustfmt_fail_silently is 0 (the default) then it
                will populate the location-list with the errors from
                g:rustfmt_command. If g:rustfmt_fail_silently is set to 1
                then it will not populate the location-list.

:RustFmtRange                                                  :RustFmtRange
                Runs g:rustfmt_command with selected range. See
                :RustFmt for any other information.

Playpen integration

:RustPlay                                                          :RustPlay
                This command will only work if you have web-api.vim installed
                (available at  It sends the
                current selection, or if nothing is selected, the entirety of the
                current buffer to the Rust playpen, and emits a message with the
                shortened URL to the playpen.

                g:rust_playpen_url is the base URL to the playpen, by default

                g:rust_shortener_url is the base url for the shorterner, by
                default ""

                g:rust_clip_command is the command to run to copy the
                playpen url to the clipboard of your system.

Evaluation of a single Rust file

NOTE: These commands are useful only when working with standalone Rust files,
which is usually not the case for common Rust development. If you wish to
building Rust crates from with Vim can should use Vim's make, Syntastic, or
functionality from other plugins.

:RustRun  [args]                                                    :RustRun
:RustRun! [rustc-args] [--] [args]
                Compiles and runs the current file. If it has unsaved changes,
                it will be saved first using :update. If the current file is
                an unnamed buffer, it will be written to a temporary file
                first. The compiled binary is always placed in a temporary
                directory, but is run from the current directory.

                The arguments given to :RustRun will be passed to the
                compiled binary.

                If ! is specified, the arguments are passed to rustc instead.
                A "--" argument will separate the rustc arguments from the
                arguments passed to the binary.

                If g:rustc_path is defined, it is used as the path to rustc.
                Otherwise it is assumed rustc can be found in $PATH.

:RustExpand  [args]                                              :RustExpand
:RustExpand! [TYPE] [args]
                Expands the current file using --pretty and displays the
                results in a new split. If the current file has unsaved
                changes, it will be saved first using :update. If the
                current file is an unnamed buffer, it will be written to a
                temporary file first.

                The arguments given to :RustExpand will be passed to rustc.
                This is largely intended for specifying various --cfg

                If ! is specified, the first argument is the expansion type to
                pass to rustc --pretty. Otherwise it will default to

                If g:rustc_path is defined, it is used as the path to rustc.
                Otherwise it is assumed rustc can be found in $PATH.

:RustEmitIr [args]                                               :RustEmitIr
                Compiles the current file to LLVM IR and displays the results
                in a new split. If the current file has unsaved changes, it
                will be saved first using :update. If the current file is an
                unnamed buffer, it will be written to a temporary file first.

                The arguments given to :RustEmitIr will be passed to rustc.

                If g:rustc_path is defined, it is used as the path to rustc.
                Otherwise it is assumed rustc can be found in $PATH.

:RustEmitAsm [args]                                             :RustEmitAsm
                Compiles the current file to assembly and displays the results
                in a new split. If the current file has unsaved changes, it
                will be saved first using :update. If the current file is an
                unnamed buffer, it will be written to a temporary file first.

                The arguments given to :RustEmitAsm will be passed to rustc.

                If g:rustc_path is defined, it is used as the path to rustc.
                Otherwise it is assumed rustc can be found in $PATH.

Running test(s)

:[N]RustTest[!] [options]                                       :RustTest
                Runs a test under the cursor when the current buffer is in a
                cargo project with "cargo test" command. If the command did
                not find any test function under the cursor, it stops with an
                error message.

                When N is given, adjust the size of the new window to N lines
                or columns.

                When ! is given, runs all tests regardless of current cursor

                When [options] is given, it is passed to "cargo" command

                When the current buffer is outside cargo project, the command
                runs "rustc --test" command instead of "cargo test" as
                fallback. All tests are run regardless of adding ! since there
                is no way to run specific test function with rustc. [options]
                is passed to "rustc" command arguments in the case.

                Takes optional modifiers (see <mods>): 
                    :tab RustTest
                    :belowright 16RustTest
                    :leftabove vert 80RustTest

rust.vim Debugging

:RustInfo                                                          :RustInfo
                Emits debugging info of the Vim Rust plugin.

:RustInfoToClipboard                                      :RustInfoClipboard
                Saves debugging info of the Vim Rust plugin to the default

:RustInfoToFile [filename]                                   :RustInfoToFile
                Saves debugging info of the Vim Rust plugin to the given file,
                overwriting it.

MAPPINGS                                                       rust-mappings

This plugin defines mappings for [[ and ]] to support hanging indents.
