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ft_context - Vim Documentation

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ft_context.txt        For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Jan 01

This is the documentation for the ConTeXt filetype plugin.

NOTE: the plugin requires +vim9script.

CONTENTS                                                context.vim ft-context

1. Introduction                         ft-context-intro
2. Commands                             ft-context-commands
3. Settings                             ft-context-settings
4. Mappings                             ft-context-mappings


ConTeXt, similarly to LaTeX, is a macro-based typesetting system built on TeX:

The ConTeXt plugin provides syntax highlighting, completion and support for
typesetting ConTeXt documents. The recommended way to typeset a document is to
use :ConTeXt. This will invoke the mtxrun script that is found in $PATH.

For more fine grained control over the command and its environment,
context.Typeset() can be used directly (or context#Typeset() from legacy
Vim script). For instance, if a version of ConTeXt is installed in
~/context, you may define a function to use it similar to the following:

        import autoload 'context.vim'

        def MyConTeXt()
            const env = {'PATH':
              printf("%s/context/tex/texmf-<os>-<arch>/bin:%s", $HOME, $PATH)}
            context.Typeset("%", env)

This code may go in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/context.vim. A mapping can then be
defined to invoke the custom command:

        nnoremap <silent><buffer><leader>t <scriptcmd>MyConTeXt()<cr>

context.Typeset() accepts a third optional argument to specify a custom
typesetting command. That must be a function that takes a path and returns the
command as a List. For example:

        def ConTeXtCustomCommand(path: string): list<string>
          return ['mtxrun', '--script', 'context', '--nonstopmode', path]

        context.ConTeXtTypeset("%", v:none, ConTeXtCustomCommand)

Large projects are often organized as a root document and various chapter
files. When editing a chapter file, it is convenient to invoke :ConTeXt
directly on it, rather than having to switch to the root file. A "magic line"
can be added at the beginning of each chapter file, which specifies the
relative path to the root file. For instance:

        % !TEX root = ../MyRoot.tex

Vim searches for the magic line in the first ten lines of the current buffer:
if it is found, the document specified by that line is typeset rather than the
one in the current buffer. The root document does not have to be opened in

To extend completion and syntax highlighting, you may generate supporting
files using ConTeXt and add them to your configuration. If you configuration
resides in ~/.vim, you may use these commands:

        mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax/shared
        cd ~/.vim/syntax/shared
        mtxrun --script interface --vim

The last command will create the following syntax files:


The same command can be used to update those syntax files.

Start a background job to typeset the document in the current buffer. The
command accepts an optional buffer's name, if you want to typeset a document
that is in a different buffer.

Edit the log file corresponding to the source in the current buffer.

Echo the number of jobs currently running in the background.

Stop all the ConTeXt jobs currently running in the background.

:make can be used to (synchronously) typeset a document. If a Makefile exists
and this option is not set, standard make is used. If this option is set,
mtxrun is invoked instead, even if a Makefile exists.

        g:context_ignore_makefile = 0

NOTE: before using :make, set the working directory of the buffer to the
directory of the file to be typeset.

A list of additional options to pass to mtxrun.

        g:context_extra_options = []

Dictionary of filetype/GROUP pairs for which syntax highlighting should be
activated between \startGROUP and \stopGROUP. The default is to highlight XML
between \startXML and \stopXML.

        g:context_include = {'xml': 'XML'}

NOTE: Lua and MetaPost are always highlighted within the respective blocks.

When set, do not define any mappings.

        g:no_context_maps = 0


tp                      "reflow TeX paragraph".

i$                      "inside inline math block".

a$                      "around inline math block".

]]                      [count] start of sections forward.

[[                      [count] start of sections backward.

][                      [count] end sections forward.

[]                      [count] end of sections backward.

]}                      [count] end of blocks (\stop..., \setup...,
                        \define...) forward.

[{                      [count] begin of blocks (\start..., \setup...,
                        \define...) backward.
