Vim Magazine 8 月号
Posted on 2012-08-31話題
毎週土曜日夜23時(JST)にオンラインのチャットルーム LingrのVim部屋 にて vimrc 読書会が開催されています。お気軽にご参加ください。
Vimに関する何かをやる会 東京 9月1日
の値を使 うように設定できるようになりました。 -
:edit ~user<Tab>
が追加されました。 -
SGR形式の拡張マウストラッキングのサポートが追加されました。 対応端末で 222 以上の座標を扱えるようになります。
- 7.3.619 : when executing a shell command Vim may become slow to respond
- 7.3.620 : building with recent Ruby on Win32 doesn’t work
- 7.3.621 : compiler warnings on 64 bit windows
- 7.3.622 : XPM library for Win32 can’t be found
- 7.3.623 : Perl 5.14 commands crash Vim on MS-Windows
- 7.3.624 : when cancelling input() it returns the third argument
- 7.3.625 : “gn” does not handle zero-width matches correctly
- 7.3.626 : Python interface doesn’t build with Python 2.4 or older
- 7.3.627 : expression not evaluated when using “n” flag with “:s”
- 7.3.628 : “:open!” results in a confusing error message
- 7.3.629 : there is no way to make ‘shiftwidth’ follow ‘tabstop’
[7.3.630 : “ ” does not behave correctly when ‘virtualedit’ is set]( - 7.3.631 : cannot complete user names
- 7.3.632 : cannot select beyond 222 columns with the mouse in xterm
- 7.3.633 : selection remains highlighted after selecting another text
- 7.3.634 : Month/Day format for undo is confusing
- 7.3.635 : system call during startup sets ‘lines’ to a wrong value
- 7.3.636 : (after 7.3.625) “gn” fails for some zero-width matches
- 7.3.637 : cannot catch error caused by a foldopen when there is no fold
- 7.3.638 : unecessary redraw of the previous character
- 7.3.639 : it’s not easy to build Vim on Windows with XPM support
- 7.3.640 : binary files for 7.3.639
- 7.3.641 : “:mkview” uses “:normal” instead of “:normal!” for folds
- 7.3.642 : segfault with specific autocommands
- 7.3.643 : MS-Windows: ‘lines’ is wrong when starting up maximized
- 7.3.644 : dead code for BeOS GUI
- 7.3.645 : no tests for patch 7.3.625 and 7.3.637
- 7.3.646 : undo file unusable after reloading a buffer
- stl : C++ STL Syntax File
- allegro : Allegro gaming library syntax file
- AlignFromCursor : Perform :left / :right only for the text part right of the cursor.
- LogViewer : Comfortable examination of multiple parallel logfiles.
- pb.vim : plugin for interacting with Mac OS X pastebuffer
- bwm color scheme : Color scheme
- phpvim : PHP syntax file updated for PHP 5.4
- Drupal : A very simple plugin to help develop with Drupal
- flexddpl.vim : Basic highlighting for FlexDDPL policies
- Simple CSS align (SCSSA) : Align selected CSS properties
- michael.vim : A dark background color scheme with (mostly) matte colors
- hybrid.vim : A dark colourscheme combining Jellybeans, Solarized and Tomorrow-Night
- directoryBrowser : Directory listing and file operations in vim
- locator : Shows where is your cursor, including folds, classes, functions, and more.
- Area search : Search for area containing keywords
- SyntaxRange : Define a different filetype syntax on regions of a buffer.
- VPSIONKI DATA : Portable Vim code to handle database as CSV file (eg. for contacts)
- Vdebug : Multi-language DBGP debugger client (PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.)
- sideways.vim : Move function arguments (and other delimited-by-something items) left and right
- switch.vim : Switch segments of text with predefined replacements
- GrepCommands : Perform :vimgrep over arguments, buffers, windows.
- rgbr : a simple color scheme for R
- rslate : a modified slate theme for R
- Rainbow Parentheses Improved : help you read complex code by showing diff level of parentheses in diff color !!
- undotree.vim : Display your undo history in a graph.
- CursorLineCurrentWindow : Only highlight the screen line of the cursor in the currently active window.
- X Marks the Spot : Easy mappings for creating and navigating through lower-case marks
- vim-dict : The Dict client for Vim
- omgrofl.vim : syntax file for the Omgrofl language
- shellasync.vim : shellasync.vim plugin for asynchronously executing shell commands in vim
- vim-g : Quick Google lookup directly from Vim
- pybreak : Fast toggling of set_trace statement in python files, for easier debugging
- PrevInsertComplete : Recall and insert mode completion for previously inserted text.
- dwm.vim : Tiled Window Management for Vim
- cmd.vim : Color scheme for the windows XP full screen console
- HybridText : A blend of useful document syntax for text files
- Close Location List Before Quit : Simple closes the location list before quit
- easymenu.vim : Data-driven, hierarchical Menu Creation
- GrepHere : List occurrences in the current buffer in the quickfix window.
- html_annoyance : HTML syntax file, removes annoying underlining from <a> whitespace
- UtilityFunctions : Data structures and utility functions
- FileTags : Easily locate previously-used files, directories and URLs
- harlequin : Dark, high contrast colorscheme inspired by molokai and badwolf
- GrepTasks : Grep for tasks and TODO markers.
- numsign.vim : jump between signs according sign ID or Line Number
- asyncfinder.vim : asyncfinder.vim - simple asynchronous fuzzy file finder for vim
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (3285)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (2776)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (1540)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (1407)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1304)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (1191)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (1163)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (1157)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (1155)
- SuperTab : Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab. (1070)
vim-jp issues
Open : 129 (+5) | Closed : 116 (+9) |
- Issue #232 : Winでのマルチスレッドバグの可能性を検証する
- Issue #233 : Vim 7.3.604からinput()のキャンセルの挙動がおかしい
- Issue #234 : windows 2000 をサポートすべきか
- Issue #235 : :mksession で落ちる
- Issue #236 : :mksession で落ちる
- Issue #237 : ‘errorbells’がおかしい?
- Issue #238 : Windows環境下にて「sign unplace * file=C:...\hoge.vim」が動かない。
- Issue #239 : rで日本語に書き換えができない
- Issue #240 : windowsでユーザー名補完が出来ない
- Issue #241 : Windowsのシンボリックリンクを正しく扱えるようにしたい
- Issue #242 : e_noroomの翻訳を修正する
- Issue #243 : input()の complete引数=”command” で、コマンドの引数を補完できない
- Issue #244 : ACLが保存・復帰されない (Cygwinの属性の保存)
- Issue #245 : getbufvar(), getwinvar(), gettabvar()にデフォルト値を指定できるようにしたい