Vim Magazine 2017 年 3 月号
Posted on 2017-03-31話題
- 8.0.0393: タグサーチにおいて同じタグが複数見つかった場合に、タグファイル中での順番で候補を表示するようになりました
- 8.0.0394: 水平スクロール時のタブ文字が正しく整列するようになりました
- 8.0.0396: バルーンの内容を非同的に更新するために
関数が追加されました (関連パッチ: 8.0.0399) - 8.0.0402:
が追加されました - 8.0.0405:
がフルパスに変更されました - 8.0.0411: メニュー翻訳である
の大文字小文字を無視するようになりました - 8.0.0420:
オプションが追加されました - 8.0.0431:
オプションに C 言語の extern ブロックのインデントを調整するためのE
フラグが追加されました - 8.0.0439: 引数リストが空の時の
がエラーにならなくなりました - 8.0.0475: リモートサーバを開始するための関数
が追加されました - 8.0.0492: リモートサーバを操作する関数
にタイムアウトを指定できるようになりました - 8.0.0499:
関数に特定のバッファを指定することで、そのバッファのタグを優先できるようになりました - 8.0.0501: Windows の
コマンドに近い動作をするようになりました - 8.0.0504: Ex コマンドの探索効率が改善されました。これにより Vim script の実行速度が若干速くなります
- 8.0.0517:
フラグが追加されました - 8.0.0522: Windows において
が修正されました - 8.0.0523:
がマルチバイト文字を破壊する問題が修正されました - ランタイムの更新
- ターミナルマルチプレクサ tmux の設定ファイル用のファイルタイプ tmux が追加されました
- プログラミング言語 Rust 用のファイルタイプ rust が追加されました
- 8.0.0390 : when the window scrolls the popup menu may be garbled
- 8.0.0391 : arabic support is verbose and not well tested
- 8.0.0392 : GUI test fails with Athena and Motif
- 8.0.0393 : (after 8.0.0190) order of duplicate tags is not preserved
- 8.0.0394 : tabs are not aligned when scrolling horizontally
- 8.0.0395 : testing the + register fails with Motif
- 8.0.0396 : ‘balloonexpr’ only works synchronously
- 8.0.0397 : (after 8.0.0392) can’t build with +viminfo but without +eval
- 8.0.0398 : illegal memory access with “t”
- 8.0.0399 : crash when using balloon_show() when not supported
- 8.0.0400 : some tests have a one second delay
- 8.0.0401 : test fails with missing balloon feature
- 8.0.0402 : :map completion does not have <special>
- 8.0.0403 : GUI tests may fail
- 8.0.0404 : not enough testing for quickfix
- 8.0.0405 : v:progpath may become invalid after :cd
- 8.0.0406 : arabic shaping code is verbose
- 8.0.0407 : filtering folds with marker method not tested
- 8.0.0408 : updating folds does not always work properly
- 8.0.0409 : set_progpath is defined but not always used
- 8.0.0410 : newer gettext/iconv library has extra dll file
- 8.0.0411 : menu translations don’t match when case is changed
- 8.0.0412 : (after 8.0.0411) menu test fails on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0413 : (after 8.0.0412) menu test fails on MS-Windows using gvim
- 8.0.0414 : balloon eval is not tested
- 8.0.0415 : (after 8.0.0414) balloon test fails on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0416 : setting v:progpath is not quite right
- 8.0.0417 : test for the clipboard fails sometimes
- 8.0.0418 : ASAN logs are disabled
- 8.0.0419 : test for v:progpath fails on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0420 : text garbled when the system encoding differs from ‘encoding’
- 8.0.0421 : diff mode wrong when adding line at end of buffer
- 8.0.0422 : Python test fails with Python 3.6
- 8.0.0423 : changing ‘cinoptions’ does not always work
- 8.0.0424 : compiler warnings on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0425 : build errors when building without folding
- 8.0.0426 : insufficient testing for statusline
- 8.0.0427 : ‘makeencoding’ missing from the options window
- 8.0.0428 : git and hg see new files after running tests
- 8.0.0429 : (after 8.0.0428) options test does not always test everything
- 8.0.0430 : (after 8.0.0429) options test fails or hangs on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0431 : ‘cinoptions’ cannot set indent for extern block
- 8.0.0432 : “make shadow” creates an invalid link
- 8.0.0433 : beeps when running tests
- 8.0.0434 : clang version not correctly detected
- 8.0.0435 : some functions are not tested
- 8.0.0436 : running the options test sometimes resizes the terminal
- 8.0.0437 : packadd test does not fully work
- 8.0.0438 : the fnamemodify test may cause later tests to fail
- 8.0.0439 : “:%argdel” gives an error for an empty arglist
- 8.0.0440 : not enough test coverage in Insert mode
- 8.0.0441 : dead code in #ifdef
- 8.0.0442 : patch shell command not well escaped
- 8.0.0443 : terminal width is set to 80 in test3
- 8.0.0444 : (after 8.0.0442) diffpatch fails when file name has a quote
- 8.0.0445 : getpgid is not supported on all systems
- 8.0.0446 : the “;” command does not work after some characters
- 8.0.0447 : getting font name does not work on X11
- 8.0.0448 : some macros are in lower case
- 8.0.0449 : (after 8.0.0448) part of fold patch accidentally included
- 8.0.0450 : v:progpath is not reliably set
- 8.0.0451 : some macros are in lower case
- 8.0.0452 : some macros are in lower case
- 8.0.0453 : adding fold marker creates new comment
- 8.0.0454 : compiler warnings for “always true” comparison
- 8.0.0455 : the mode test may hang
- 8.0.0456 : typo in MinGW test makefile
- 8.0.0457 : using :move messes up manual folds
- 8.0.0458 : potential crash if adding list or dict to dict fails
- 8.0.0459 : (after 8.0.0457) old folding fix for :move no longer needed
- 8.0.0460 : can’t build on HPUX
- 8.0.0461 : (after 8.0.0457) test 45 hangs on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0462 : failure of an MS-Windows test may go unnoticed
- 8.0.0463 : side effects from resetting ‘compatible’ in defaults.vim
- 8.0.0464 : can’t find executable name on Solaris and FreeBSD
- 8.0.0465 : off-by-one error in using :move with folding
- 8.0.0466 : still macros that should be all-caps
- 8.0.0467 : using g< after :for does not show the right output
- 8.0.0468 : after aborting an Ex command g< does not work
- 8.0.0469 : compiler warnings on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0470 : not enough testing for help commands
- 8.0.0471 : exit callback test sometimes fails
- 8.0.0472 : when a test fails another test may also fail
- 8.0.0473 : no test covering arg_all()
- 8.0.0474 : the client-server feature is not tested
- 8.0.0475 : not enough testing for the client-server feature
- 8.0.0476 : (after 8.0.0475) missing change to main.c
- 8.0.0477 : the client-server test may hang when failing
- 8.0.0478 : tests use assert_true(0) and assert_false(1) to report errors
- 8.0.0479 : remote_peek() is not tested
- 8.0.0480 : the remote_peek() test fails on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0481 : unnecessary if statement
- 8.0.0482 : the setbufvar() function may mess up the window layout
- 8.0.0483 : illegal memory access when using :all
- 8.0.0484 : :lhelpgrep does not fail after a successful one
- 8.0.0485 : not all windows commands are tested
- 8.0.0486 : crash and endless loop when closing windows in autocmd
- 8.0.0487 : the autocmd test hangs on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0488 : running tests leaves an “xxx” file behind
- 8.0.0489 : clipboard and “* register is not tested
- 8.0.0490 : vertical split makes ‘winfixwidth’ window smaller
- 8.0.0491 : quotestar test fails when features are missing
- 8.0.0492 : a failing client-server request can make Vim hang
- 8.0.0493 : crash with cd command with very long argument
- 8.0.0494 : build failure with older compiler on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0495 : quotestar test uses timer instead of timeout
- 8.0.0496 : insufficient testing for folding
- 8.0.0497 : arabic support is not fully tested
- 8.0.0498 : two autocmd tests are skipped on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0499 : taglist() does not prioritize tags for a buffer
- 8.0.0500 : quotestar test is still a bit flaky
- 8.0.0501 : on MS-Windows “:!start” does not work as expected
- 8.0.0502 : Coverity complains about possible NULL pointer
- 8.0.0503 : endless loop in updating folds with 32 bit ints
- 8.0.0504 : looking up an Ex command is a bit slow
- 8.0.0505 : failed window split for :stag not handled
- 8.0.0506 : can’t build with ANSI C
- 8.0.0507 : client-server tests fail when $DISPLAY is not set
- 8.0.0508 : Coveralls no longer shows per-file coverage
- 8.0.0509 : no link to results
- 8.0.0510 : (after 8.0.0509) typo in link to results
- 8.0.0511 : message for skipping client-server tests is unclear
- 8.0.0512 : check for available characters takes too long
- 8.0.0513 : getting name of cleared highlight group is wrong
- 8.0.0514 : script for creating cmdidxs can be improved
- 8.0.0515 : ml_get errors in silent Ex mode
- 8.0.0516 : a large count on a normal command causes trouble
- 8.0.0517 : there is no way to remove quickfix lists
- 8.0.0518 : bad fold text when a multi-byte char has a zero byte
- 8.0.0519 : character classes are not well tested
- 8.0.0520 : using a function pointer while the function is known
- 8.0.0521 : GtkForm handling is outdated
- 8.0.0522 : Win32: when ‘clipboard’ is “unnamed” yyp does not work
- 8.0.0523 : dv} deletes part of a multi-byte character.
- 8.0.0524 : (after 8.0.0518) folds messed up
- 8.0.0525 : completion for user command argument not tested
- 8.0.0526 : Coverity complains about possible negative value
- 8.0.0527 : leftover file from RISC OS
- 8.0.0528 : highlight wrong text when ‘wim’ includes “longest”
- 8.0.0529 : line in test commented out
- visual-search : Search for or only within visual selection
- nonclobbering-shift : Visual shift without clobbering formatting
- bargreybars.vim : remove gray bars from maximised gvim windows, on Windows
- Agrep : Asynchronous grep plugin for Vim
- vimloo : Write VimL Script in an Object Orient Style
- vnote : A dairy or note edit and manage tool in vim
- GVFilter.vim : VIm plugin to filter current buffer by given arguments, like :g or :v
- vim-fileHeader : add information about source file at head of file
- R4vim : Plugin to work with R scripts.
- note.vim : A syntax highlighting for general text notes
- eclipse-lite : a vim scheme appears to eclipse
- vim-sourcer : Several new commands for sourcing vimscript files
- CurtineIncSw.vim : Switch from *.c* to *.h* and vice versa
- goyo-doc : Vim
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1435)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1150)
- wombat256.vim : Wombat for 256 color xterms (628)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (557)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (513)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (464)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (441)
- nginx.vim : initial version (437)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (390)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (375)
vim-jp issues
Open : 255 (-1) | Closed : 786 (+9) |
- Issue #1034 : 複数の’filetype’を扱いたい
- Issue #1035 : Batch mode で “:sign place” すると SEGV
- Issue #1036 : 新しい filetype である tmux の検出パターンが正しくない
- Issue #1037 : :windo コマンドで ! が指定できてしまう
- Issue #1038 : f最 の後に ; が効かない
- Issue #1039 : did_filetype()の動きがhelpと異なる
- Issue #1040 : インサートモードの補完が遅い
- Issue #1041 : インサートモードでCommand+Vを使ったペーストを行うと正常にペーストされない。