vim-jp / vimdoc-en / pi_tutor

pi_tutor - Vim Documentation

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pi_tutor.txt    For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Dec 17

INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR VIM                    vim-tutor-mode

vim-tutor-mode provides a system to follow and create interactive tutorials
for vim and third party plugins.  It replaces the venerable vimtutor system.

1. Usage                                                      vim-tutor-usage

vim-tutor-mode tutorials are hypertext documents, they have rich text and
contain links.  To stand out from the rest of the text, links are underlined.
You can follow them by placing the cursor over them and pressing <Enter>, or
by double-clicking them.

1.1 Commands
:Tutor [tutorial]       Opens a tutorial.  Command-line completion for
                        [tutorial] is provided, the candidates are a list of
                        ".tutor" files found in the "tutor/<lang>/"  folder in
                        the 'runtimepath'.  Tutorials prefixed with "vim-"
                        will always be shown first.

                        If no [tutorial] is provided, the command starts the
                        "vim-01-beginner" tutorial, which is equivalent to
                        Vim's vimtutor, chapter 1.

                        Uses the translated tutorial for the current message
                        language if possible (v:lang), e.g. to open the
                        chapter 1 of the Italian tutor, use:

                        :lang it_IT.UTF-8

2. Creating tutorials                                        vim-tutor-create

Writing vim-tutor-mode tutorials is easy.  For an overview of the format used,
please consult the "tutor.tutor" file:

    :Tutor tutor

New tutorials must be placed in the 'tutor/' folder in the 'runtimepath'
to be detected by the :Tutor command.

It is recommended to use a less formal style when writing tutorials than in
regular documentation (unless the content requires it).

3. Contributing

Development of the plugin is done over at github [1].  Feel free to report
issues and make suggestions.

