Vim Magazine 2016 年 12 月号
Posted on 2016-12-312016年最後の発行となりました。 ちょっと新しい動きの乏しい月となりましたが、 Vim 8.0も落ち着いてきたということでしょう。
2016年中はVimとvim-jp、加えてVim Magazineへのご愛顧ご助力をありがとうございました。 2017年も引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
- Meguro.vim #1 が 12/18(日) に目黒で開催されました
- 2016 年のアドベントカレンダーが終了しました
- 8.0.0107:
が追加されました。 - 8.0.0117: 並列 make (例 :
make -j 4
) に対応しました。 - ランタイム更新 2016/12/01:
- 8.0.0107 : when reading channel output in timer messages may be missing
- 8.0.0108 : (after 8.0.0107) the channel “drop” option is not tested
- 8.0.0109 : still checking if memcmp() exists, should be everywhere now
- 8.0.0110 : drop command doesn’t use existing window
- 8.0.0111 : the :history command is not tested
- 8.0.0112 : tests 92 and 93 are old style
- 8.0.0113 : MS-Windows: dialog for saving changes on the wrong monitor
- 8.0.0114 : coding style not optimal
- 8.0.0115 : when building with Cygwin libwinpthread isn’t found
- 8.0.0116 : using CTRl-] in English help language from ‘helplang’ is used
- 8.0.0117 : parallel make fails
- 8.0.0118 : “make proto” adds extra function prototype
- 8.0.0119 : no test for using CTRL-R on the command line
- 8.0.0120 : channel test is still flaky on OS X
- 8.0.0121 : setting ‘cursorline’ changes the curswant column
- 8.0.0122 : channel test is still flaky on OS X
- 8.0.0123 : modern Sun compilers define “__sun” instead of “sun”
- 8.0.0124 : internal error for assert_inrange(1, 1)
- 8.0.0125 : not enough testing for entering Ex commands
- 8.0.0126 : display problem with ‘foldcolumn’ and a wide character
- 8.0.0127 : cancelling completion still formats text
- 8.0.0128 : (after 8.0.0126) display test fails on MS-Windows
- 8.0.0129 : parallel make still doesn’t work
- 8.0.0130 : configure uses “ushort” while the Vim code doesn’t
- 8.0.0131 : not enough test coverage for syntax commands
- 8.0.0132 : (after 8.0.0131) test fails because of using :finish
- 8.0.0133 : “2;’(“ causes ml_get errors in an empty buffer
- 8.0.0134 : null pointer access reported by UBsan
- minimalist.vim : A Material Colorscheme Darker for Vim
- vim-base64 : Vim plugin to encode/decode base64 strings
- vim-loggly-search : A vim plug-in to easily search in loggly
- far.vim : Find And Replace Vim plugin
- vtags : verdi like, verilog code signal trace and show topo script
- ExpandBackspace : Make backspace eat white space to the last tabstop
- coverage.vim : Show code coverage as signs
- Grammalecte : Vim plugin for the Grammalecte French grammar checker
- Broduo Color Scheme : A dark color scheme for Vim.
- gen_tags.vim : A simple vim plugin that generate/maintain ctags and gtags database.
- vim-paragraph : Vim plain text utilities
- rpgle.vim : Free (7.1) syntax highlight, folds, indent, etc for RPG/ILE
- vim-workspace : The Vim Workspace Manager.
- yarn.vim : Yarn for Vim.
- Sprint : Async file running
- vmux : vim/neovim session handler within tmux
- ipynb_notedown.vim : plugin for editing jupyter notebook (ipynb) files through notedown
- Arcadia : A Monochromatic colorscheme
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1327)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1190)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (582)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (506)
- wombat256.vim : Wombat for 256 color xterms (498)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (423)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (417)
- nginx.vim : initial version (415)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (392)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (354)
vim-jp issues
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