Vim Magazine 2016 年 6 月号
Posted on 2016-06-30話題
- netupvim 1.0 リリース 最新版は 1.1 であることに注意してください
- Software Design 2016年7月号 Vimの細道【9】カーソルを自在に操る
- なぜAtomはVimを置き換えられないのか
- Osaka.vim #7 7/2(土) 大阪
- 7.4.1892:
によりウィンドウIDを参照できるようになりました。 - 7.4.1893: バッファのウィンドウIDを取得する関数
が追加されました。 - 7.4.1894:
によりウィンドウIDが参照できるようになりました。 - 7.4.1895: ウィンドウIDが1000始まりになり、ウィンドウ番号(1始まり)との混乱が解消されました。
- 7.4.1898: ユーザーコマンドにコマンド修飾子
が指定できるようになりました。 - 7.4.1903: viminfo ファイルのフォーマットに変更がありました。
- 7.4.1925:
コマンドが追加されました。 - 7.4.1952:
:cscope find
が追加されました。:help cscope-find
- 7.4.1960: Unicode 9.0 に対応
- 7.4.1863 : compiler warnings on Win64
- 7.4.1864 : Python: encoding error with Python 2
- 7.4.1865 : memory leaks in test49
- 7.4.1866 : invalid memory access when exiting with EXITFREE defined
- 7.4.1867 : memory leak in test_matchstrpos
- 7.4.1868 : setting really_exiting causes memory leaks to be reported
- 7.4.1869 : can’t build with old version of Perl
- 7.4.1870 : (after 7.4.1863) one more Win64 compiler warning
- 7.4.1871 : appending to quickfix list is slow if quickfix window is open
- 7.4.1872 : still build problem with old version of Perl
- 7.4.1873 : GUI: when a callback adds a timer it is not used until later
- 7.4.1874 : unused variable in Win32 code
- 7.4.1875 : comparing functions and partials doesn’t work well
- 7.4.1876 : typing “k” at the hit-enter prompt has no effect
- 7.4.1877 : no test for invoking “close_cb” when writing to a buffer
- 7.4.1878 : exited job isn’t detected until a character is typed
- 7.4.1879 : (after 7.4.1877) channel test is flaky
- 7.4.1880 : MS-Windows console build defaults to not having +channel
- 7.4.1881 : appending to a long quickfix list is slow
- 7.4.1882 : check for line break at end of line wrong
- 7.4.1883 : cppcheck found 2 incorrect printf formats
- 7.4.1884 : updating marks in long quickfix list is very slow
- 7.4.1885 : MinGW console build defaults to not having +channel
- 7.4.1886 : mapping times out when interrupted by receiving data
- 7.4.1887 : when receiving channel data ‘updatetime’ is not respected
- 7.4.1888 : wrong computation of remaining wait time in RealWaitForChar()
- 7.4.1889 : when umask is set to 0177 Vim can’t create temp files
- 7.4.1890 : GUI: cursor blinking interrupted when channel data received
- 7.4.1891 : channel reading very long lines is slow
- 7.4.1892 : balloon eval only gets the window number, not the ID
- 7.4.1893 : cannot easily get the window ID for a buffer
- 7.4.1894 : cannot get the window ID for a mouse click
- 7.4.1895 : cannot use a window ID where a window number is expected
- 7.4.1896 : invoking mark_adjust() when it is pointless
- 7.4.1897 : various typos, long lines and style mistakes
- 7.4.1898 : user commands don’t support modifiers
- 7.4.1899 : GTK 3: cursor blinking doesn’t work well
- 7.4.1900 : using CTRL-] in the help on “{address}.” doesn’t work
- 7.4.1901 : Win32: the “Disabled” menu items would appear enabled
- 7.4.1902 : no test for collapsing channel buffers; some text is lost
- 7.4.1903 : recent history items may be dropped when writing viminfo
- 7.4.1904 : (after 7.4.1903) build fails
- 7.4.1905 : (after 7.4.1903) some compilers can’t handle double semicolon
- 7.4.1906 : collapsing channel buffers does not work properly
- 7.4.1907 : warnings from 64 bit compiler
- 7.4.1908 : Netbeans uses uninitialzed pointer and freed memory
- 7.4.1909 : doubled semicolons
- 7.4.1910 : tests using external command to delete directory
- 7.4.1911 : recent history lines may be lost when exiting Vim
- 7.4.1912 : no test for using setqflist() on an older quickfix list
- 7.4.1913 : after “:doautocmd” modelines are always processed
- 7.4.1914 : crash when executing autocommands when on the signal stack
- 7.4.1915 : effect of the PopupMenu autocommand isn’t directly visible
- 7.4.1916 : (after 7.4.1906) no proper test for what 7.4.1906 fixes
- 7.4.1917 : history lines read from viminfo are not converted
- 7.4.1918 : not enough testing for parsing viminfo lines
- 7.4.1919 : register contents is not merged when writing viminfo
- 7.4.1920 : (after 7.4.1919) missing test changes
- 7.4.1921 : (after 7.4.1919) vim_time() not included when needed
- 7.4.1922 : Ruby 2.4.0 unifies Fixnum and Bignum into Integer
- 7.4.1923 : command line editing is not tested much
- 7.4.1924 : missing “void” for functions without argument
- 7.4.1925 : viminfo does not merge file marks properly
- 7.4.1926 : possible crash with many history items
- 7.4.1927 : compiler warning for signed/unsigned
- 7.4.1928 : overwriting pointer argument
- 7.4.1929 : inconsistent indenting and weird name
- 7.4.1930 : can’t build without +spell but with +quickfix
- 7.4.1931 : using both old and new style file mark lines from viminfo
- 7.4.1932 : jumplist is not merged with the one in the viminfo file
- 7.4.1933 : compiler warning about uninitialzed variable
- 7.4.1934 : new style tests not executed with MinGW compiler
- 7.4.1935 : with GUI search/replace second match is skipped
- 7.4.1936 : off-by-one error in bounds check
- 7.4.1937 : no test for directory stack in quickfix
- 7.4.1938 : when writing viminfo numbered marks were duplicated
- 7.4.1939 : memory access error when reading viminfo
- 7.4.1940 : “gd” hangs in some situations
- 7.4.1941 : not all quickfix tests are also done with the location lists
- 7.4.1942 : background is not drawn properly when ‘termguicolors’ is set
- 7.4.1943 : Coverity warns for unreachable code
- 7.4.1944 : Win32: Cannot compile with XPM feature using VC2015
- 7.4.1945 : the Man plugin doesn’t work that well
- 7.4.1946 : (after 7.4.1944) file list does not include new XPM libraries
- 7.4.1947 : viminfo continuation line with wrong length isn’t skipped
- 7.4.1948 : Ctrl-A with double-byte encoding may result in garbled text
- 7.4.1949 : minor problems with the quickfix code
- 7.4.1950 : quickfix long lines test not executed for buffer
- 7.4.1951 : Ruby test is old style
- 7.4.1952 : Cscope interface does not support finding assignments
- 7.4.1953 : not all parts of the quickfix code are tested
- 7.4.1954 : (after 7.4.1948) no test for what 7.4.1948 fixes
- 7.4.1955 : using 32-bit Perl with 64-bit time_t causes memory corruption
- 7.4.1956 : when file doesn’t load with CTRL-W f new window is not closed
- 7.4.1957 : Perl interface has obsolete workaround
- 7.4.1958 : Perl interface preprocessor statements not nicely indented
- 7.4.1959 : crash when running test_channel.vim on Windows
- 7.4.1960 : Unicode standard 9 was released
- 7.4.1961 : popup menu remains if ‘insertmode’ is reset during completion
- 7.4.1962 : two test files for increment/decrement
- 7.4.1963 : running Win32 Vim in mintty does not work
- 7.4.1964 : the quickfix init function is too big
- 7.4.1965 : job in raw mode appends garbage characterss to buffer
- 7.4.1966 : Coverity reports a resource leak
- 7.4.1967 : falling back from NFA to old regexp engine has problems
- Ranger.vim : Ranger integration in vim and neovim
- Closing Brackets : A dead-simple Vim plugin to automatically insert closing brackets
- verilog_emacsauto.vim : Minor update based on vimscript #1875
- ember_tools.vim : Tools for working with ember.js projects
- Cheat40 : A cheat sheet that makes sense, inside Vim!
- vim-gencode-cpp : auto generate c++ function definition or declaration
- columnMove.vim : move along vertical axis, to next/previous character-blocks end/start
- vimport : Allows you to easily add imports within java, groovy, grails
- searchant.vim : Vim plugin for improved search highlighting
- BTN: Better tab new : Adds a tab new command accepting file:lin_num as a parameter
- Impl Switcher : Easily switch between impl and header files
- fluid.vim : Plugin for the Fluid Template Engine (TYPO3), indenting, and syntax plugin.
- vim-java-ununsed-imports : Allows showing and removing unused imports in a java file.
- radical.vim : Convert decimal, hex, octal, binary number representations
- Srcery : Vim color scheme @
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1442)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1279)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (556)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (549)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (503)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (501)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (436)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (420)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (408)
- nginx.vim : initial version (389)
vim-jp issues
Open : 243 (-2) | Closed : 679 (+10) |
- Issue #915 : 端末機能、作っちゃわない?
- Issue #916 : OS XでVim (not MacVim)のビルドが通らない
- Issue #917 : split() 関数の挙動について
- Issue #918 : Make_cyg_ming.mak で lua と luajit を分けたい
- Issue #919 : jobの出力をrawモードで取得すると変な出力が混入する時がある
- Issue #920 : Ctrl-A/Ctrl-Xが文字コードによっては文字化けが発生する
- Issue #921 : sleep 中の入力が getchar(0) で取れない (on Solaris)
- Issue #922 : :help // が意図しないタグになっている