Vim Magazine 2016 年 4 月号
Posted on 2016-04-30話題
Software Design: コード編集の高速化からGitHub連携までVim[実戦]投入
mattn さん、rhysd さん、thinca さん、tyru さん、ujihisa さんによる Vim 特集記事。
- 7.4.1703:
関数が追加されました。 - 7.4.1707: 辞書のキーに空文字列を使えるようになりました。
- 7.4.1727:
関数が追加されました。 - 7.4.1730:
関数が追加されました。 - 7.4.1735:
コマンドに count と clear 引数が追加されました。 - 7.4.1758:
に “!” フラグが追加されました。 - 7.4.1770:
オプションが追加されました。 - 7.4.1799:
- 7.4.1690 : can’t compile with the conceal feature but without multi-byte
- 7.4.1691 : ml_get error when going to new buffer and automd sets syntax
- 7.4.1692 : feedkeys(‘i’, ‘x’) gets stuck, waits for typing a character
- 7.4.1693 : building the Perl interface gives compiler warnings
- 7.4.1694 : Win32 gvim doesn’t work with “dvorakj” input method
- 7.4.1695 : “:syn reset” clears the effect “:syn iskeyword”
- 7.4.1696 : using :stopinsert in silent mapping doesn’t clear “INSERT”
- 7.4.1697 : display problems when char width doesn’t match terminal
- 7.4.1698 : two tests fail when running tests with MinGW
- 7.4.1699 : :packadd does not work the same when used early or late
- 7.4.1700 : equivalence classes are not properly tested
- 7.4.1701 : equivalence classes still tested in old style tests
- 7.4.1702 : using freed memory when parsing ‘printoptions’ fails
- 7.4.1703 : can’t assert for not equal and not matching
- 7.4.1704 : using freed memory with “wincmd p”
- 7.4.1705 : the ‘guifont’ option does not allow for a quality setting
- 7.4.1706 : old style function declaration breaks build
- 7.4.1707 : cannot use empty dictionary key, even though it can be useful
- 7.4.1708 : new regexp engine does not work properly with EBCDIC
- 7.4.1709 : mistake in #ifdef
- 7.4.1710 : not all output of an external command is read
- 7.4.1711 : eror caught with try/catch in ‘statusline’ handled as error
- 7.4.1712 : for plugins in packages need to take care of all dependencies
- 7.4.1713 : GTK GUI doesn’t work on Wayland
- 7.4.1714 : non-GUI specific settings in the gvimrc_example file
- 7.4.1715 : double free when a partial is in a cycle with a list or dict
- 7.4.1716 : ‘autochdir’ doesn’t work for the first file
- 7.4.1717 : leaking memory when opening a channel fails
- 7.4.1718 : Coverity: not using return value of set_ref_in_item()
- 7.4.1719 : leaking memory with a cycle involving a job and a partial
- 7.4.1720 : tests fail without the job feature
- 7.4.1721 : the vimtbar files are unused.
- 7.4.1722 : crash when calling garbagecollect() after starting a job
- 7.4.1723 : eror caught with try/catch in ‘tabline’ handled as error
- 7.4.1724 : (after 7.4.1723) tabline test fails in GUI
- 7.4.1725 : compiler errors for non-ANSI compilers
- 7.4.1726 : ANSI compiler complains about string length
- 7.4.1727 : cannot detect crash in tests when caused by garbagecollect()
- 7.4.1728 : the help for functions require a space after the “(“
- 7.4.1729 : Perl: cannot use ‘print’ for writing directly in standard IO
- 7.4.1730 : it is not easy to get a character out of a string
- 7.4.1731 : Python: turns partial into simple funcref
- 7.4.1732 : folds may close when using autocomplete
- 7.4.1733 : “make install” doesn’t know about cross-compiling
- 7.4.1734 : (after 7.4.1730) test fails when not using utf-8
- 7.4.1735 : it is not possible to clear or see part of message history
- 7.4.1736 : (after 7.4.1731) unused variable
- 7.4.1737 : argument marked as unused is used
- 7.4.1738 : count for “:messages” depends on number of lines
- 7.4.1739 : messages test fails on MS-Windows
- 7.4.1740 : syn-cchar defined with matchadd() does not always appear
- 7.4.1741 : not testing utf-8 characters
- 7.4.1742 : strgetchar() does not work correctly
- 7.4.1743 : Clang warns for uninitialzed variable
- 7.4.1744 : Python: Converting a sequence may leak memory
- 7.4.1745 : README file is not clear about where to get Vim
- 7.4.1746 : memory leak in Perl
- 7.4.1747 : Coverity: missing check for NULL pointer
- 7.4.1748 : “gD” does not find match in first column of first line
- 7.4.1749 : when using GTK 3.20 there are a few warnings
- 7.4.1750 : messed up screen if buffer updated while in command line mode
- 7.4.1751 : crash when ‘tagstack’ is off
- 7.4.1752 : when adding to the quickfix list current position is reset
- 7.4.1753 : “noinsert” in ‘completeopt’ is sometimes ignored
- 7.4.1754 : syntax not set when using “:buf” and ‘filetype’ set manually
- 7.4.1755 : using getreg() on non-existing register NULL list is returned
- 7.4.1756 : “dll” options are not expanded
- 7.4.1757 : ‘modified’ may be set by complete() when nothing changed
- 7.4.1758 : triggering CursorHoldI when in CTRL-X mode causes problems
- 7.4.1759 : using feedkeys() in a timer does not break wait loop
- 7.4.1760 : (after 7.4.1759) compiler warning for unused variable
- 7.4.1761 : Coverity complains about ignoring return value
- 7.4.1762 : Coverity: useless assignments
- 7.4.1763 : Coverity: useless assignment
- 7.4.1764 : C++ style comment (included 7.4.1765)
- 7.4.1765 : undo options are not together in the options window
- 7.4.1766 : building instructions for MS-Windows are outdated
- 7.4.1767 : when installing on a GTK system the icon cache is not updated
- 7.4.1768 : arguments of setqflist() are not checked properly
- 7.4.1769 : no “closed”/”errors”/”encoding” attribute on Python output
- 7.4.1770 : cannot use true color in the terminal
- 7.4.1771 : (after 7.4.1768) warning for unused variable
- 7.4.1772 : (after 7.4.1767) installation fails when env var is empty
- 7.4.1773 : (after 7.4.1770) compiler warnings
- 7.4.1774 : (after 7.4.1770) cterm true color feature has warnings
- 7.4.1775 : the rgb.txt file is not installed
- 7.4.1776 : using wrong buffer length
- 7.4.1777 : newly added features can escape the sandbox
- 7.4.1778 : with the term truecolor feature, t_8f/t_8b are not set
- 7.4.1779 : using negative index in strcharpart()
- 7.4.1780 : warnings reported by cppcheck
- 7.4.1781 : synIDattr() does not respect ‘guicolors’
- 7.4.1782 : strcharpart() has problems with some multi-byte characters
- 7.4.1783 : old regexp engine doesn’t handle character classes correctly
- 7.4.1784 : the termtruecolor feature is enabled differently
- 7.4.1785 : (after 7.4.1783) regexp test fails on windows
- 7.4.1786 : compiled-in colors do not match rgb.txt
- 7.4.1787 : channel close callback is invoked before other callbacks
- 7.4.1788 : NSIS script is missing packages
- 7.4.1789 : cannot use ch_read() in the close callback
- 7.4.1790 : leading white space in a job command matters
- 7.4.1791 : channel could be garbage collected too early
- 7.4.1792 : color name decoding is implemented several times
- 7.4.1793 : character classes differ between systems, on OS/X test fails
- 7.4.1794 : (after 7.4.1792) can’t build on MS-Windows
- 7.4.1795 : compiler warning for redefining RGB
- 7.4.1796 : (after 7.4.1795) colors are wrong on MS-Windows
- 7.4.1797 : warning from Windows 64 bit compiler
- 7.4.1798 : still compiler warning for unused return value
- 7.4.1799 : ‘guicolors’ is a confusing option name
- 7.4.1800 : unnecessary #ifdef
- 7.4.1801 : make uninstall leaves file behind
- vim-shebang : Better filetype detection by the she·bang line at file
- you-debug-it : Vim plugin that helps to control debug code
- vim-alias : versatile vim-command line aliases
- cpp-devel : Vim C++ development; This vim script (adopted from kde-devel-vim).
- apthogen : Easily manage your vim’s plugins
- Outlaw : The wanted outliner!
- Vim-scavenger : Clean up multiple blank lines and trailing spaces.
- extra-instant-markdown : Instant Markdown previews from VIM!
- Google_Translate_Py : Translate text directly in vim from the google translate page.
- droWMark : Post to WordPress using Pandoc Flavoured Markdown
- vim-diction : Write better with vim-diction - find frequently misused, bad or wordy diction
- Syntax match : Saving syntax match rules to be loaded next time
- vim-grimmjow : Theme for Gvim, MacVim and Neovim
- Mesonic : A Vim plugin for Meson build system
- splat-syntax : Syntax for Splat
- Scalpel : Fast within-file word replacement for Vim
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1623)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1437)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (625)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (566)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (528)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (485)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (471)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (466)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (456)
- nginx.vim : initial version (421)
vim-jp issues
Open : 244 (-3) | Closed : 665 (+18) |
- Issue #895 : MacVim 最新版で :Exp でファイルを開いたとき新規で開かれない
- Issue #896 : wildmodeでlistとfullを合わせた時はlist内がハイライトされて欲しい。
- Issue #897 : CTRL-W gfでE325が発生した時、終了・中止した時に新しいタブを作るべきか
- Issue #898 : matchadd() の conceal がうまく適用されないケースがある
- Issue #899 : job_startで起動したjobが変数に保存されている時にGCが走るとSEGV
- Issue #900 : 不適切に called_emsg を使っているところを did_esmg に変える
- Issue #901 : go言語関数定義移動するとE926が発生します
- Issue #902 : DLL を指定するオプション (`pythondll` 等) が環境変数や tilde を展開しない
- Issue #903 : 起動後最初の挿入モードで`complete()`関数での補完時に`noinsert`設定が無視される
- Issue #904 : Vim 8.0 に lambda をねじ込む
- Issue #905 : Vim 8.0 に lambda をねじ込む phase 3
- Issue #906 : 制限モードで job が実行できる
- Issue #907 : +termtruecolor の際に E254 が発生する
- Issue #908 : strcharpart()がマルチバイトで正しく動作しない
- Issue #909 : WindowsのgVimにおいて、グーグルIME使用時のカーソル表示がおかしくなる