Vim Magazine 12 月号
Posted on 2015-12-31今月の新機能
- 7.4.945:
に変更されました。 - 7.4.951:
関数に ‘N’ フラグが追加されました。 - 7.4.984:
関数に ‘z’ フラグが追加されました。
- 7.4.945 : (after 7.4.944) new style testing is incomplete
- 7.4.946 : (after 7.4.945) missing changes in source file
- 7.4.947 : test_listchars fails with MingW
- 7.4.948 : can’t build when the insert_expand feature is disabled
- 7.4.949 : highlighting wrong for ‘colorcolumn’ with a fullwidth sign
- 7.4.950 : v:errors is not initialized
- 7.4.951 : sorting number strings does not work as expected
- 7.4.952 : ‘lispwords’ is tested in the old way
- 7.4.953 : a test may create the .res file with a wrong name
- 7.4.954 : when using Lua there may be a crash (issue #468)
- 7.4.955 : Vim doesn’t recognize .pl6 and .pod6 files
- 7.4.956 : a few more file name extensions not recognized
- 7.4.957 : test_tagcase fails when using another language than English
- 7.4.958 : Vim checks if the directory “$TMPDIR” exists
- 7.4.959 : when setting ‘term’ the clipboard ownership is lost
- 7.4.960 : detecting every version of nmake is clumsy
- 7.4.961 : test107 fails in some circunstances
- 7.4.962 : cannot run the tests with gvim and individual new tests
- 7.4.963 : test_listlbr_utf8 sometimes fails
- 7.4.964 : test 87 doesn’t work in a shadow directory
- 7.4.965 : on FreeBSD /dev/fd/ files are special
- 7.4.966 : configure doesn’t work with a space in a path
- 7.4.967 : cross compilation on MS-windows doesn’t work well
- 7.4.968 : test86 and test87 are flaky in Appveyor
- 7.4.969 : compiler warnings on Windowx x64 build
- 7.4.970 : rare crash in getvcol()
- 7.4.971 : the asin() function can’t be used
- 7.4.972 : memory leak when there is an error in setting an option
- 7.4.973 : pasting on the command line line inserts <CR> characters
- 7.4.974 : when using :diffsplit the cursor jumps to the first line
- 7.4.975 : using “:sort” on a very big file may cause corrupted text
- 7.4.976 : when compiling for MSYS2 the Win32 clipboard is not enabled
- 7.4.977 : problem with ‘linebreak’ set and using “space” in ‘listchars’
- 7.4.978 : test_cdo fails when using another language than English
- 7.4.979 : when crypt key changes blocks read from disk are not decrypted
- 7.4.980 : tests for :cdo, :ldo, etc. are outdated
- 7.4.981 : an error in a test script goes unnoticed
- 7.4.982 : keeping the list of tests updated is a hassle
- 7.4.983 : executing one test after “make testclean” doesn’t work
- 7.4.984 : searchpos() always starts searching in the first column
- 7.4.985 : can’t build with Ruby 2.3.0
- 7.4.986 : test49 doesn’t work on MS-Windows, test70 is listed twice
- 7.4.987 : (after 7.4.985) can’t build with Ruby 1.9.2
- 7.4.988 : (after 7.4.982) default test target is test49.out
- 7.4.989 : leaking memory when hash_add() fails; Coverity error 99126
- 7.4.990 : test 86 fails on AppVeyor
- 7.4.991 : when running new style tests the output is not visible
- 7.4.992 : makefiles for MS-Windows in src/po are outdated
- 7.4.993 : test 87 is flaky on AppVeyor
- 7.4.994 : new style tests are not run on MS-Windows
- 7.4.995 : gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline() is deprecated
- 7.4.996 : new files missing from distro, outdated PC build instructions
- 7.4.997 : “make shadow” was sometimes broken
- 7.4.998 : running tests in shadow directory fails; test 49 fails
- 7.4.999 : “make shadow” creates a broken link
- 7.4.1000 : test 49 is slow and doesn’t work on MS-Windows
- 7.4.1001 : (after 7.4.1000) change in makefile missing
- 7.4.1002 : cannot run an individual test on MS-Windows
- 7.4.1003 : Travis could check a few more things
- 7.4.1004 : warnings when using Makefile without auto/
- vim-cloud-buffer : Save your buffers remotely
- vim-uci : Syntax, ftdetect and ftplugin for OpenWRT’s UCI format
- vim-stata : Vim Plugin for Running Selected Do-File in Stata
- snpsMan2VimSyntax : Perl script to parse Synopsys man pages to create a vim syntax file
- Tabstuff : Tabstuff is a plugin to sulplies various tabrelated stuff
- vim-do : Run shell commands asynchronously and show the output in Vim when they finish
- PAM-CRASH Syntax Highlighting : Syntax Highlighting for ESI VPS (Pam-Crash)
- vim-dtsm : Commands for TypeScript dtsm
- vim-babel : Wrapper around babel.js (ES2015, React, …)
- vim-unite-cscope : Use cscope within vim
- Esper programming language syntax : Basic syntax highlighting
- vim-rubyformat : A simple ruby source code auto reformatter/beautifier for vim
- tgf-vim : This is a PureFun-Tiger Language syntax and indent script.
- partialnumber.vim : yet another line number option
- vim-uncommenter : Automatically deletes all comments in a programming source file.
- vim-gtest : Vim plugin to quickly select and asyncronously run GoogleTest
- vim-operator-flashy : Highlight yanked area
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1616)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1528)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (638)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (598)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (565)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (515)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (505)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (472)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (464)
- Pydiction : Tab-complete your Python code (460)
vim-jp issues
Open : 242 (+4) | Closed : 560 (+7) |
- Issue #792 : assert_equal/assert_true/assert_false の第三引数 msg が出力されない。
- Issue #793 : 物理的なカーソル位置が欲しい
- Issue #794 : 補完の絞り込みチラつき改善
- Issue #795 : v:errors が初期化されていない
- Issue #796 : set listcharsのspacesに何か設定して set list linebreak するとlinebreakされない且つカーソル位置がズレる
- Issue #797 : オレオレsyntax/vim.vim generatorを自動実行して最新ファイルをWeb上に置いておきたい
- Issue #798 : 長い行で ‘set number’ すると行数表示やカーソル位置がおかしくなることがある
- Issue #799 : +conceal機能がright-to-leftに対応していない
- Issue #800 : vim-airline causes crash on macvim
- Issue #801 : Kaoriya版VimでNetrwからファイルに移動すると、終了できなくなる
- Issue #802 : Ruby 2.3.0 で +ruby/dyn のビルドに失敗する