Vim Magazine 9 月号
Posted on 2015-09-30今月の新機能
- 7.4.849 :
が追加されました。 - 7.4.858 :
- 7.4.844 : when ‘#’ is in ‘isident’ the is# comparator doesn’t work
- 7.4.845 : compiler warning for possible loss of data
- 7.4.846 : some GitHub users don’t know how to use issues
- 7.4.847 : “vi)d” may leave a character behind
- 7.4.848 : CTRL-A on hex number in Visual block mode is incorrect
- 7.4.849 : moving the cursor in Insert mode starts new undo sequence
- 7.4.850 : <Esc> does not show up
- 7.4.851 : saving and restoring console buffer does not work properly
- 7.4.852 : MS-Windows console cannot input/output Unicode characters
- 7.4.853 : “zt” in diff mode does not always work properly
- 7.4.854 : missing information about runtime files
- 7.4.855 : GTK: font glitches for combining characters
- 7.4.856 : “zt” still doesn’t work well with filler lines
- 7.4.857 : dragging the current tab with the mouse doesn’t work properly
- 7.4.858 : it’s a bit clumsy to execute a command on a list of matches
- 7.4.859 : Vim doesn’t recognize all htmldjango files
- 7.4.860 : filetype detection is outdated
- 7.4.861 : (after 7.4.855) pango_shape_full() is not always available
- 7.4.862 : (after 7.4.861) still problems with pango_shape_full()
- 7.4.863 : plines_nofill() used without the diff feature
- 7.4.864 : (after 7.4.858) tiny build fails
- 7.4.865 : compiler warning for uninitialized variable
- 7.4.866 : crash when changing the ‘tags’ option from a remote command
- 7.4.867 : (after 7.4.866) can’t build on MS-Windows
- 7.4.868 : ‘smarttab’ is also effective when ‘paste’ is enabled
- 7.4.869 : MS-Windows with Intel GPU: scroll may cause text to disappear
- 7.4.870 : get into an invalid state when using getchar() in expr mapping
- 7.4.871 : Vim leaks memory when ‘wildignore’ filters out all matches
- 7.4.872 : not using CI services available
- 7.4.873 : (after 7.4.866) compiler warning for unused variable
- 7.4.874 : MS-Windows: size isn’t right when inside another application
- 7.4.875 : not obvious how to contribute
- 7.4.876 : Windows7: using vim with msys/msys2, conhost.exe freezes
- 7.4.877 : “:find” sometimes fails
- 7.4.878 : Coverity error for clearing only one byte of struct
- 7.4.879 : can’t see line numbers in nested function calls
- 7.4.880 : no build and coverage status
- 7.4.881 : (after 7.4.879) test 49 fails
- 7.4.882 : popup menu remains visible when leaving command line window
- 7.4.883 : (after 7.4.818) block-mode replace works characterwise
- 7.4.884 : Travis also builds on a tag push
- 7.4.885 : upwards search without wildcards does not always work
- 7.4.886 : (after 7.4.876) Windows7: screen flicker when using system()
- 7.4.887 : using uninitialized memory for regexp with back reference
- 7.4.888 : OptionSet autocommands are not triggered from setwinvar()
- 7.4.889 : triggering OptionSet from setwinvar() isn’t tested
- log4j highlighter : Syntax highlighter for log4j log files
- easy-navigate.vim : Commonly used navigation keymaps for Vim
- vim-sipindex : shows index of a sipp xml file
- vim-follow-my-lead : Shows all your <Leader> mappings in a readable table including the descriptions
- 8ch.vim : 8chan markdown formatting
- ansible-vim : Syntax highlighting Ansible’s common filetypes
- quickBuf : Simple and quick buffer explorer
- logo : horrible language, teoretical for learn programming language.
- togglenumber : easy toggle between different numbering modes in vim
- vim-json-line-format : format json line
- robcolors : Color scheme by Robert Nowtniak
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1649)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1430)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (750)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (749)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (627)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (580)
- AutomaticLaTeXPlugin : Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features. (529)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (521)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (515)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (489)
vim-jp issues
Open : 235 (-1) | Closed : 538 (+12) |
- Issue #763 : ChangeLog で <localleader>o をタイプすると画面がフリックする
- Issue #764 : some tests crashes conhost.exe and vim.exe on Windows 7
- Issue #765 : FilterWritePre イベントが発生しない場合がある
- Issue #766 : 外部コマンドを実行した際のプロンプトの開始位置が乱れる
- Issue #767 : fix CI
- Issue #768 : cmap 評価中にgetchar() を呼んで<S-Space><C-Space><C-Tab>等を入力すると全てのマッピングが無効になる。
- Issue #769 : WIndows で DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes かつ DYNAMIC_PYTHON3=no のときビルドに失敗する
- Issue #770 : perl6 で特定のコメントがあるとシンタックスハイライトが遅くなる
- Issue #771 : 各Syntax file のrepository一覧
- Issue #772 : system() で画面が flick する様になった。
- Issue #773 : C言語の配列の指示初期化子のインデントが崩れる