Vim Magazine 12 月号
Posted on 2014-12-31今月の新機能
- 7.4.542:
- 7.4.538 : tests fail with small features plus Python
- 7.4.539 : (after 7.4.530) crash when computing buffer count
- 7.4.540 : (after 7.4.539) cannot build with tiny and small features
- 7.4.541 : crash when doing a range assign
- 7.4.542 : cannot specify the type of range for a user command
- 7.4.543 : (after 7.4.232) “1,3s/\n//” joins two lines instead of three
- 7.4.544 : warnings for unused arguments with a combination of features
- 7.4.545 : highlighting for multi-line matches is not correct
- 7.4.546 : repeated use of vim_snprintf() with a number
- 7.4.547 : “vit” does not select multi-byte character at the end correctly
- 7.4.548 : compilation fails with native version of MinGW-w64
- 7.4.549 : function name not recognized correctly when inside a function
- 7.4.550 : curs_rows() function is always called with 2nd argument false
- 7.4.551 : “ygn” may yank too much; Issue 295
- 7.4.552 : langmap applies to Insert mode expression mappings
- 7.4.553 : various small issues
- 7.4.554 : missing part of patch 7.4.519
- 7.4.555 : test_close_count may fail for some combination of features
- 7.4.556 : failed commands in Python interface not handled correctly
- 7.4.557 : one more small issue
- 7.4.558 : when the X server restarts Vim may get stuck
- 7.4.559 : block append inside tab is wrong when virtualedit is set
- 7.4.560 : memory leak using :wviminfo; Issue 296
- argwrap.vim : Wrap and unwrap function arguments, lists and dictionaries in Vim
- Casetrate : Modify the case of identifiers
- FileSync : FileSync offers file synchronization functionality.
- filestyle : Check and make (experimental) the opened buffer to correspond Vim settings
- Escape Search : escape special characters in your search expressions
- vim-packer : basic vim/packer integration
- vim-terraform : basic vim/terraform integration
- Vim-Swoop : Grep and replace easily in multiple files being context aware !
- vim-tab : plugin that maintain each tab different working directory
- Spacegray.vim : An elegant dark colorscheme for Vim
- vim-nose : Plugin wrapping nosetests command to be executed inside Vim
- EntryComplete : Insert mode completion based on lines in designated files or buffers.
- grimoire.vim : Access Clojure Grimoire documentation from Vim
- cf5-compile.vim : Compile files right from vim.
- tex-syntax : Vim TeX syntax file
- AutomaticLaTeXPlugin : Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features. (5841)
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1992)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1743)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (956)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (743)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (711)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (671)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (662)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (656)
- SuperTab : Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab. (586)
vim-jp issues
Open : 220 (-6) | Closed : 461 (+18) |
- Issue #670 : cursorline の背景色が通常シンタックスの背景色に負けてしまう。
- Issue #671 : :h col() が実際の挙動と異なる
- Issue #672 : unix 用の ctermfg/ctermbg を cmd.exe 版に食わせるとサイケデリックになる
- Issue #673 : 複数行に渡る検索の hlsearch のハイライトが正しくない
- Issue #674 : mingw64 でビルドに失敗する
- Issue #675 : Windows で長いファイル名のファイルがあるフォルダに対して、ワイルドカードを使うと落ちることがある
- Issue #676 : `call setreg(‘”’, [])` で E341
- Issue #677 : mapgroup 欲しい?
- Issue #678 : xlose/backlog の導入
- Issue #679 : pathとincludeを設定して、suffixesaddを設定してincludeexprを設定したのに
- Issue #680 : cmd.exe版で「β」が入力出来ない。
- Issue #681 : [WIP]Windows のコンソールでも「森鷗外」を表示したい。