Vim Magazine 11 月号
Posted on 2014-11-30話題
25日で終わる(笑) の Vim Advent Calendar 2014 です。
- 7.4.502 :
オプションが追加されました。 - 7.4.503 :
に ‘a’ (append) フラグが追加されました。
- 7.4.489 : cursor movement wrong when ‘lbr’ with a number column
- 7.4.490 : cannot specify the buffer to use for “do” and “dp”
- 7.4.491 : negative “topline” value for winrestview() has display errors
- 7.4.492 : Ctrl-O in Insert mode moves right after insert comment leader
- 7.4.493 : a TextChanged autocommand is triggered when saving a file
- 7.4.494 : cursor shape is wrong after a CompleteDone autocommand
- 7.4.495 : XPM isn’t used correctly in the Cygwin Makefile
- 7.4.496 : many lines are both in Make_cyg.mak and Make_ming.mak
- 7.4.497 : NFA engine is very slow with some regexp patterns
- 7.4.498 : (after 7.4.497) typo in DOS makefile
- 7.4.499 : substitute() can be slow with long strings
- 7.4.500 : test 72 still fails once in a while
- 7.4.501 : (after 7.4.497) typo in file pattern
- 7.4.502 : language mapping also applies to mapped characters
- 7.4.503 : cannot append a list of lines to a file
- 7.4.504 : MS-Windows installer restricts install path to end in “vim”
- 7.4.505 : problem on MS-Windows file name longer than MAX_PATH bytes
- 7.4.506 : MS-Windows: Cannot open a file with 259 characters
- 7.4.507 : (after 7.4.496) building with MingW and Perl may fail
- 7.4.508 : when generating ja.sjis.po, header is not correctly adjusted
- 7.4.509 : users are not aware their encryption is weak
- 7.4.510 : “-fwrapv” argument breaks use of cproto
- 7.4.511 : generating proto for if_ruby.c uses type not defined elsewhere
- 7.4.512 : cannot generate prototypes for Win32 files and VMS
- 7.4.513 : crash because reference count is wrong for list from getreg()
- 7.4.514 : (after 7.4.492) memory access error
- 7.4.515 : in a help buffer the global ‘foldmethod’ is used
- 7.4.516 : issue 253: completing function name with a # does not work
- 7.4.517 : cursor may not end up in the right place on a wrapping line
- 7.4.518 : using status line height in width computations
- 7.4.519 : (after 7.4.497) crash when using syntax highlighting
- 7.4.520 : Sun PCK locale is not recognzed
- 7.4.521 : when using “vep” a mark is moved to the next line
- 7.4.522 : specifying wrong buffer size for GetLongPathName()
- 7.4.523 : copy/paste no longer works is X11 server is restarted
- 7.4.524 : when using “:ownsyntax” spell checking is messed up
- 7.4.525 : map() leaks memory when there is an error in the expression
- 7.4.526 : matchstr() fails on long text
- 7.4.527 : still confusing regexp failure and NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE
- 7.4.528 : crash when using matchadd()
- 7.4.529 : no test for what 7.4.517 fixes
- 7.4.530 : many commands take count/range that is not using line numbers
- 7.4.531 : comments about parsing an Ex command are wrong
- 7.4.532 : when using ‘incsearch’ “2/pattern/e” highlights first match
- 7.4.533 : “:hardcopy” leaks memory in case of errors
- 7.4.534 : warnings when compiling if_ruby.c
- 7.4.535 : (after 7.4.530) can’t build with tiny features
- 7.4.536 : test 63 fails when using a black&white terminal
- 7.4.537 : value of v:hlsearch reflects an internal variable
- VIntSearch : Vim Integrated Search - Awesome file search plugin using ctags and grep
- RootIgnore : Set ‘wildignore’ from git repo root
- ab-prefix : Conditionally expand abbreviations on a matching prefix.
- numbers.vim : plugin for intelligently toggling line numbers.
- directionalWindowResizer : Adjust window size with Ctrl +jklh
- shot-f : highlights the characters where the cursor can move directly (by f,F,t,T)
- rengbang : sequencial numbering with pattern
- atom-dark : Dark theme inspired by Atom’s default dark theme
- vim-www : Define your favourite websites and search engines and open them from vim
- css_color : CSS colour preview while editing
- buftabline : Use the tabline to render buffer tabs
- emoji_complete : A plug-in for insert completion of emoji.
- vim-asterisk : *-improved
- jspc.vim : JavaScript Parameter Complete
- yoda.vim : A VIM plug-in for completion using Clang.
- AutomaticLaTeXPlugin : Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features. (5519)
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (2171)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1963)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (997)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (952)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (779)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (698)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (692)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (676)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (654)
vim-jp issues
Open : 226 (+0) | Closed : 443 (+12) |
- Issue #658 : writefile() で append したい。
- Issue #659 : 特定の条件で関数内の関数が関数として認識されない
- Issue #660 : :unmap が {rhs} に設定されているものを消去してしまう
- Issue #661 : カーソルキーの左、以降しかドットレジスタに記録されない
- Issue #662 : Vim の補完で入力に一致した候補が出てくる
- Issue #663 : GVim で <Left> にマッピングを定義すると日本語入力がおかしくなる
- Issue #664 : jquery-latest.min.js を開くと落ちる
- Issue #665 : 折り返し時、textwidthの計算にインデントやshowbreakの文字数が含まれる
- Issue #666 : キリ番ゲット!
- Issue #667 : C の #define 文で 0 が現れるとハイライトが壊れる
- Issue #668 : 7.4.497 以降でregexengine=0の時にSEGVが起こる
- Issue #669 : syntax/netrw.vimにscriptencoding指定されていない。