Vim Magazine 7 月号
Posted on 2014-07-31話題
Vim script の本が出ます。教科書として使えるように基礎から丁寧に解説。 8月6日発売。
エディタ対決(仮)に Vim 代表 @kaoriya さんが参戦。 8月23日(土) 東京
momonga.vim は、Vim のもくもく会です! 8月2日(土) 東京
待ちに待った第二回です。 今回は初心者の方やまだVimが怖くてふれられない方などに、Vimについて色々知識を深めて頂けたらと考えています。 8月23日(土) 大阪
- 7.4.348 : Using “J1” in ‘cinoptions’ may cause too much indent
- 7.4.349 : avoid redrawing the whole window with highlighted matches
- 7.4.350 : C-indenting for Javascript fails for a {} block inside parens
- 7.4.351 : sort() is not stable
- 7.4.352 : with ‘linebreak’ a Tab causes a missing line break
- 7.4.353 : ‘linebreak’ doesn’t work with the ‘list’ option
- 7.4.354 : compiler warning
- 7.4.355 : several problems with Javascript indenting
- 7.4.356 : mercurial does not ignore memfile_test
- 7.4.357 : after completion some characters are not redrawn
- 7.4.358 : (after 7.4.351) sort is not always stable
- 7.4.359 : if ‘ttymouse’ set to ‘uxterm’ xterm version is not requested
- 7.4.360 : pattern with “$” followed by \[vV] is not used as end-of-line
- 7.4.361 : flickering when filling the preview window for ‘omnifunc’
- 7.4.362 : short length in matchaddpos() highlights until end of the line
- 7.4.363 : in Windows console typing 0xCE does not work
- 7.4.364 : no error message when the viminfo file can’t be renamed
- 7.4.365 : crash when using “:botright split” when there isn’t much space
- 7.4.366 : can’t run the linebreak test on MS-Windows
- 7.4.367 : (after 7.4.357) other solution for redrawing after completion
- 7.4.368 : window sizes not restored properly when closing cmdline window
- 7.4.369 : using freed memory when exiting while compiled with EXITFREE
- 7.4.370 : linebreak test fails when encoding is not utf-8
- 7.4.371 : with ‘linebreak’ set control characters displayed wrong
- 7.4.372 : with ‘winminheight’ zero current window might be zero height
- 7.4.373 : compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable
- 7.4.374 : character after “fb” command sometimes not mapped
- 7.4.375 : test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim
- 7.4.376 : (after 7.4.367) popup menu flickers too much
- 7.4.377 : with ‘equalalways’ set a split may report “no room”
- 7.4.378 : title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, ‘r’)
- 7.4.379 : accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, ‘r’)
- 7.4.380 : loading python may cause Vim to exit
- 7.4.381 : u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes 2 lines
- 7.4.382 : mapping chars may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode
- 7.4.383 : bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc
- 7.4.384 : test 102 fails when compiled with small features
- 7.4.385 : when building with tiny/small features .mo files build fails
- 7.4.386 : when splitting a window the changelist position is wrong
- 7.4.387 : “4gro” replaces one character then executes “ooo”
- 7.4.388 : with ‘linebreak’ set and ‘list’ unset Tab not counted properly
- 7.4.389 : still sometimes Vim enters Replace mode when starting up
- erlang-motions.vim : Motions and text objects for erlang
- YAJS: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax : Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim
- unite-linephrase : A unite source for set phrases
- vim-gista : An alternative gist.vim, vim plugin which manipulate gists in Vim
- textobj-delimited : The textobject plugin to do well with each delimited part of a string.
- fireplace.vim : Clojure REPL support
- Improved AnsiEsc : Improved AnsiEsc.vim : ansi escape sequences highlighted and concealed
- quick-file : to quickly jump to file in current or sub directory
- JustDo : bufdo for modifiable buffers
- Buddy Challenge : Teases you on things you are unsure of
- Clighter : VIM syntax highlighting plugin based on Clang
- PHPSyntaxCheck : PHP语法检查
- filemaker.vim : FileMaker calculation syntax highlighting and snippets
- glowshi-ft.vim : Improve movement of f/t with glow shift.
- vim-simple-session : Super simple sessions
- SpellLangIdentifier : Automatically identify buffer’s language and set the spell lang
- projectionist.vim : Granular project configuration
- srec.vim : Colorizes SREC (Motorola S-Record) files
- a_pair : combine {}, [], () into one text object :
- elm.vim : Plugin for the Elm programming language
- vim-root : Basic syntax highlighting for the ROOT Data Analysis Framework
- cloudboard.vim : A cloud-based clipboard, copy text on a machine, paste it on another
- AutomaticLaTeXPlugin : Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features. (21012)
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (2336)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (2217)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1226)
- pathogen.vim : Poor man’s package manager. Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’ et al (928)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (926)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (811)
- SuperTab : Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab. (742)
- boshiamy input method keymap file : This is the keymap file for Boshiamy chinese input method (732)
- github theme : A gvim colorscheme based on github’s syntax highlighting (725)
vim-jp issues
Open : 199 (+6) | Closed : 402 (+9) |
- Issue #587 : signに全角文字を指定するとvisual選択時にハイライトされない
- Issue #588 : Windows では * レジスタの矩形データの {width} をgetregtype() 関数で正しく取得できない
- Issue #589 : :cquit [code] で終了コードを指定できるようにする
- Issue #590 : blockwise 選択で見た目と選択される内容が異なる。
- Issue #591 : window分割の不具合
- Issue #592 : 高さ調整が効いていない?
- Issue #593 : Visual Blockモードでsofttabstopが正しく動作しない
- Issue #594 : VimからPythonを使うと落ちる
- Issue #595 : 関数名と同名の変数を定義した場合の挙動に一貫性がない
- Issue #596 : filereadable()の説明が変
- Issue #597 : 補完ポップアップメニューのチラツキを改善する(2014夏)
- Issue #598 : Vim のエラーが出た後に Ex モードのまま終了するとVimの終了コードが1になる
- Issue #599 : exモードでエラーを捕捉した場合の終了コードを0に変更する
- Issue #600 : Visual Block 挿入でマルチバイト文字が壊れる
- Issue #601 : 無効な Funcref が取得できてしまう