Vim Magazine 2 月号
Posted on 2014-02-28話題
Vim をフォークした新しいプロジェクト、 Neovim が登場しました。20 年以上にわたって開発されてきた Vim の古いコードベース、古い開発体制を改め、開発を加速させようという試み。 リファクタリングによってメンテナンス性を高め、新機能追加やプラグイン作成を容易にし、コミュニティによる開発を目標としています。発起人の Thiago de Arruda さんが でプロジェクトの開発資金を募集しています。
若い女性に大人気と噂のVimについて便利します 3月21日(金) 東京
プラグインマネージャの仕組みを理解するために、tpope/vim-pathogenを読みます。 3月15日(土) 21:00~ LingrのVim部屋にて
- 7.4.191: ファイル名修飾子
- 7.4.161 : crash in Python exception handling
- 7.4.162 : running tests in shadow dir doesn’t work
- 7.4.163 : (after 7.4.142) MS-Windows 7 input doesn’t work properly
- 7.4.164 : problem with event handling on Windows 8
- 7.4.165 : by default, after closing a buffer changes can’t be undone
- 7.4.166 : auto-loading a function for code that won’t be executed
- 7.4.167 : (after 7.4.149) fixes are not tested
- 7.4.168 : can’t compile with Ruby 2.1.0
- 7.4.169 : “:sleep” puts cursor in the wrong column
- 7.4.170 : some help tags don’t work with “:help”
- 7.4.171 : redo does not set v:count and v:count1
- 7.4.172 : blowfish code says OFB, but it’s doing CFB
- 7.4.173 : when using scrollbind the cursor can end up below last line
- 7.4.174 : compiler warnings for Python interface
- 7.4.175 : wrong fall-back to non-wide function if wide function fails
- 7.4.176 : Python: Dictionary.update() thows an unexpected error
- 7.4.177 : compiler warning for unused variable
- 7.4.178 : the J command does not update ‘[ and ‘] marks
- 7.4.179 : Compiler warning for type-punned pointer
- 7.4.180 : (after 7.4.174) older Python versions don’t support %ld
- 7.4.181 : when using ‘pastetoggle’ the status lines are not updated
- 7.4.182 : building with mzscheme and racket does not work
- 7.4.183 : MSVC Visual Studio update not supported
- 7.4.184 : match() does not work properly with a {count} argument
- 7.4.185 : Clang gives warnings
- 7.4.186 : (after 7.4.085) Visual mode insert mode is sometimes wrong
- 7.4.187 : delete that crosses line break splits multi-byte character
- 7.4.188 : SIZEOF_LONG clashes with similar defines in header files
- 7.4.189 : compiler warning for unused argument
- 7.4.190 : compiler warning for using %lld for off_t
- 7.4.191 : can’t escape a file name for shell commands without a function
- 7.4.192 : memory leak when giving E853
- Enchanted Vim : persistent very magic option
- vim-colors-pencil : A light (and dark) color scheme inspired by iA Writer
- grin.vim : Vim plugin for ‘grin’, the Python port of ‘ack’
- vawa.vim : A plugin that will highlight all occurances of the php variable under the cursor
- scd.vim : smart change of directory in Vim
- CRDispatcher : dispatch CR in the command line
- APL character picker : A pop-up menu for inserting APL characters
- stdtabs : Indentation for some languages according to their most used style guidelines.
- better-whitespace : A better whitespace highlighter for Vim
- VimMahewinHub : Interface for hub command.
- sql.snippets : T-SQL snippets
- hybris ImpEx : Providing syntax highlight for hybris ImpEx file
- jdaddy.vim : JSON manipulation and pretty printing
- c.vim : Highlight more syntax items of C program
- writable_search.vim : Perform a grep and edit the results directly
- prop.vim : Android system properties highlight
- fuckpep8 : Make life feasible in the presense of crazy space-hippies.
- wildfire.vim : Smart selection of the closest text object
- searchmatch : Easy search highlight pinning in Vim with :match
- ExtractLinks : Replace inline links with unique references and a link table.
- Licenses : Provides commands to add licenses at the top of the buffer
- vim-decfile : A plugin for EvtGen decay files
- gnuplot syntax highlighting : syntax highlighting for gnuplot
- LeaderF : A replacement of the famous ctrlp.vim yet written in Python.
- industry.vim : Standard industrial color scheme for Vim
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1939)
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1929)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (1207)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1173)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (905)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (832)
- github theme : A gvim colorscheme based on github’s syntax highlighting (735)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (642)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (637)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (601)
vim-jp issues
Open : 182 (-3) | Closed : 349 (+12) |
- Issue #523 : vim-latexについて
- Issue #524 : 、や。のマッピング
- Issue #525 : guicursorの内部の情報を正しく得ることができない
- Issue #526 : match(‘foo’, ‘$’, 0, count)の count が 2 以上の時の挙動がおかしい
- Issue #527 : vim 突然落ちる現象
- Issue #528 : 改行コードCR/LFが条件によって変換されてしまう(?)
- Issue #529 : vim-latexの表示について
- Issue #530 : –enable-perlinterp=dynamic かつ非 USE_ITHREAD で if_perl がビルド出来ない(was: Perl 5.19 で if_perl がビルドできない)
- Issue #531 : perl5.19.9 の signatures でプロトタイプのsyntaxがエラー色になる