Vim Magazine 12 月号
Posted on 2013-12-31今月の新機能
- 7.4.122 : Windowsで
- 7.4.111 : memory leak in Python OptionsAssItem
- 7.4.112 : MS-Windows: defaults for ‘dir’ and ‘bdir’ do not include $TEMP
- 7.4.113 : MSVC static analysis gives warnings
- 7.4.114 : new GNU make directory change messages are different
- 7.4.115 : Zsh: expanding ~abc fails when the result contains a space
- 7.4.116 : ‘showcmd’ does not show a typed space
- 7.4.117 : can’t build with Cygwin/MingW and Perl 5.18
- 7.4.118 : redrawing status lines may causes recursive call
- 7.4.119 : Vim doesn’t work well on OpenVMS
- 7.4.120 : (after 7.4.117) can’t build with Perl 5.18 on Linux
- 7.4.121 : completion doesn’t work for “:py3d” and “:py3f”
- 7.4.122 : Win32: :grep doesn’t work when ‘encoding’ and ACP differ
- 7.4.123 : Win32: Getting user name does not use wide function
- 7.4.124 : Win32: Getting host name does not use wide function
- 7.4.125 : Win32: Dealing with messages may not work for multi-byte chars
- 7.4.126 : compiler warnings for “const” and incompatible types
- 7.4.127 : Perl 5.18 on Unix doesn’t work
- 7.4.128 : Perl 5.18 for MSVC doesn’t work
- 7.4.129 : getline(-1) returns zero
- 7.4.130 : relative line numbers mix up windows when using folds
- 7.4.131 : syncbind causes E315 errors in some situations
- goyo.vim : Distraction-free writing in Vim
- update-time : Automatic update Last Change time as you like!
- vim-svngutter : A plugin to put SVN diff info into the gutter
- Vim-Kompleter : A smart, fast, simple, and reliable keyword completion replacement for Vim
- Vim-CtrlSpace : Vim Workspace Controller
- gsl.vim : Resaltador de sintaxis para GNU SL
- SwissCalc : A powerful interactive calculator for geeks
- netgrep : vim plugin for grepping and finding on a remote server
- easydir.vim : An easy way to create directories and files at the same time!
- AddCppClass_Plus : this plugin is to help you add a c++ class conveniently
- ExtractMatches : Yank matches from range into a register.
- vim-nfo : ftplugin for .nfo files
- CtrlP-SmartTabs : Vim CtrlP plugin to switch between opened tabs
- swamplight : light color scheme
- Include Fixer for C/C++ : Categorizes and Alphabetizes C/C++ #include directives
- Investigate.vim : A plugin for viewing documentation
- vim-skuld : A pomodoro timer that runs inside Vim.
- vim-javacompleteex : better java omni-completion.
- ft-cmake : dict and snippet for cmake files (e.g. CMakeLists.txt)
- InnerFragmentComplete : Insert mode completion based on fragments inside words.
- MultiWordComplete : Insert mode completion that completes a sequence of words based on anchors.
- vim-systemverilog : system verilog indent, syntax, and ftdetect
- Accurev diff tool : Tool to view the changes that you make in accurev workspace
- auto-pairs-gentle : Gentle version of Auto Pairs plugin: Insert or delete brackets, parens in pair
- vim-sneak : motion improved
- LEF_DEF_syntax : Design/Library Exchange Formats syntax files
- vim-quotable : Extending Vim to better support typographic (curly) quote characters
- vim-sexp : Precision Editing for S-expressions
- candyVirus.vim : An elegant dark 256 colors colorscheme for cterm
- vim-howdoi : Howdoi VIM Plugin
- choowsewin.vim : land to window you choose like tmux’s ‘display-pane’.
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (2605)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (2273)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1383)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (1198)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (1022)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (916)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (888)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (821)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (804)
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (802)
vim-jp issues
Open : 187 (+10) | Closed : 320 (+6) |
- Issue #492 :
:h mode()@en
内にtypo。(表記が統一されていない。) - Issue #493 : maparg()が実際に返すDictionaryとhelpに違いがある
- Issue #494 : Windowsコンソール版でCTRL-^が効かない。
- Issue #495 : pastetoggleした時にstatuslineが評価されない
- Issue #496 : removing bevel (inset) borders.
- Issue #497 : test100 is failed on Windows
- Issue #498 : v:oldfilesの状態がおかしい。
- Issue #499 : quickfixウィンドウだけになったときにbwipeout!する設定すると、Vimが死んでしまう。
- Issue #500 : :keeppatterns で @/ も変更しないようにして欲しい
- Issue #501 : enc=utf-8にするとフォント名にマルチバイト文字が使えない
- Issue #502 : virtualedit=block で矩形選択中に表示行移動がおかしい場合がある
- Issue #503 : substitute(‘string’, ‘.\zs’, ‘a’, ‘g’) の結果が 7.4.045 以前と以降で異なる
- Issue #504 : runtime/menu.vim内のtypo. Se&T Compiler
- Issue #505 : getregtype()の挙動がヘルプファイルに書かれているものと違う
- Issue #506 : mingw4.6.1でビルドしたlua5x.dllとneocomplete
- Issue #507 : autoload 変数に関数参照が設定されている場合に autoload 関数を呼ぶと内部エラーが発生する