Vim Magazine 9 月号
Posted on 2013-09-30話題
みんなでvimの便利を便利していきます 10月13日(日) 東京
Vim Advent Calendar 2012 まだやってます。
- 7.4.017 : “:help !!” does not find the “!!” tag in the help file
- 7.4.018 : when completing item becomes unselected
- 7.4.019 : file name completion fails with Chinese characters
- 7.4.020 : NFA engine matches too much with \@>
- 7.4.021 : NFA regexp: Using \ze may result in wrong end
- 7.4.022 : deadlock while exiting, because of allocating memory
- 7.4.023 : MS-Windows: warning for 64 bit type
- 7.4.024 : current user cannot always use the undo file he created
- 7.4.025 : reading before start of a string
- 7.4.026 : clang warning for int shift overflow
- 7.4.027 : valgrind error when using CTRL-X CTRL-F at start of the line
- 7.4.028 : equivalence classes are not working for multi-byte characters
- 7.4.029 : an error in a pattern is reported twice
- 7.4.030 : the -mno-cygwin argument is no longer supported by Cygwin
- 7.4.031 : “:diffoff!” resets options even when ‘diff’ is not set
- 7.4.032 : NFA engine does not match the NUL character
- 7.4.033 : if terminal has 20 lines test 92 and 93 overwrite input file
- 7.4.034 : using “p” in Visual block mode only changes the first line
- 7.4.035 : MS-Windows: mouse pointer flickers when going to Normal mode
- 7.4.036 : NFA engine does not capture group correctly when using \@>
- 7.4.037 : “\ze” in a sub-pattern does set the end of the match
- 7.4.038 : Using “zw” and “zg” when ‘spell’ is off give confusing error
- 7.4.039 : MS-Windows: < MSCV10 can’t handle symlinks to a directory
- 7.4.040 : error on exit when variable holds reference to a script scope
- 7.4.041 : Visual selection does not remain after being copied over
- 7.4.042 : after “:setlocal” ‘spell’/’spellang’ :spelldump doesn’t work
- 7.4.043 : VMS can’t handle long function names
- 7.4.044 : can’t build with old MSVC
- 7.4.045 : substitute() has a problem with pattern starting with “\ze”.
- FindYamlKey : Search for nested keys in a YAML document
- reco : backup and recovery solution for Vim
- KillBrackets : Removes matching brackets/parens. Very handy in LISP/Scheme
- Hardcore Mode : A mode that helps get rid of the habit of using evil cursor keys, mouse, and GUI
- files.vim : List files for partial search using ‘ls’ command
- svnim : svn plugin
- SuperSub : Enhanced Substitute Command
- yankitute : Regex powered yank+substitute
- vim-django-i18n : transform text to django i18n format
- vim-polyglot : A collection of language packs for Vim.
- DuplicateWrite : Cascade the writing of a file to another location.
- fontdetect : Detect installed fonts
- Ultimate Test Utility : A straightforward, fully documented unit testing utility.
- vim-emoji : Emoji in Vim
- Extended-FT : Extended functionality for ‘f’ and ‘t’ commands
- stringliteral : C++ multi-line string literals from common text
- Tags Updater : Simple tags automatic updater
- VerticalHelp : Launch help in vertical window for wide-screen displays
- pastek.vim : Syntax for Pastek files
- cmake.vim : Incorporates CMake support to Vim.
- integrake : Abuse Rake to do project chores around Vim
- Sol : Simple colorscheme created for fun and day usage
- united-front : Autoshare yank registers across vim instances.
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (2037)
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (2019)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1312)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (1209)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (1033)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (894)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (742)
- github theme : A gvim colorscheme based on github’s syntax highlighting (661)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (641)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (617)
vim-jp issues
Open : 174 (-1) | Closed : 297 (+7) |