Vim Magazine 7 月号
Posted on 2013-07-31話題
Vim 7.4b ready for beta testing
Vim 7.4b BETA がリリースされました。大きな問題がなければ近いうちに正式版がリリースされます。
Vim Advent Calendar 2012 まだやってます。
Emacs/Vimなど、エディタを肴にリゾートしてみます。 何かを作ってみたり、発表してみたり、ただ単に観光したり温泉入るなど、何でも良し。 九重・湯布院周辺 9月か10月頃
- 7.3.1271 : (after 7.3.1260) command line completion does not work
- 7.3.1272 : crash when editing Ruby file
- 7.3.1273 : when copying a location list the index might be wrong
- 7.3.1274 : using wrong window when using entry from location list
- 7.3.1275 : “gn” does not work when the match is a single character
- 7.3.1276 : resizing the window may send SIGWINCH to cscope and it quits
- 7.3.1277 : in diff mode ‘cursorline’ also draws in the non-active window
- 7.3.1278 : limit the screen size set by “stty”
- 7.3.1279 : compiler warning for variable uninitialized
- 7.3.1280 : (after 7.3.1247) reading memory already freed
- 7.3.1281 : When ‘ttymouse’ is “xterm2” click in column 123 moves to 96
- 7.3.1282 : ‘cursorline’ not drawn in any other window
- 7.3.1283 : test 71 fails on MS-Windows
- 7.3.1284 : compiler warnings in MS-Windows clipboard handling
- 7.3.1285 : no tests for picking window when using entry in location list
- 7.3.1286 : check for screen size missing for Athena and Motif
- 7.3.1287 : Python SystemExit exception is not handled properly
- 7.3.1288 : the first “:echo ‘hello’” command output doesn’t show
- 7.3.1289 : get GLIB warning when removing a menu item
- 7.3.1290 : (after 7.3.1253) CTRL-R = in Insert mode starts new insert
- 7.3.1291 : (after 7.3.1288) compiler warnings for uninitialized variable
- 7.3.1292 : possibly using invalid pointer when searcing for window
- 7.3.1293 : put in empty buffer cannot be undone
- 7.3.1294 : “:diffoff” resets options
- 7.3.1295 : glob()/globpath() do not handle escaped special chars well
- 7.3.1296 : only MS-Windows limits GUI window size to fit on the monitor
- 7.3.1297 : findfile() directory matching fails with a star after text
- 7.3.1298 : (after 7.3.1297) crash
- 7.3.1299 : errors when doing “make proto”; dependencies outdated
- 7.3.1300 : Mac: tiny and small build fails
- 7.3.1301 : some tests fail on MS-Windows
- 7.3.1302 : test 17 fails on MS-Windows, includes line break in file name
- 7.3.1303 : (after 7.3.1290) undo is synced whenever CTRL-R = is called
- 7.3.1304 : test 89 still fails on MS-Windows
- 7.3.1305 : warnings from 64 bit compiler
- 7.3.1306 : when redrawing screen during startup intro message is cleared
- 7.3.1307 : MS-Windows build instructions are outdated
- 7.3.1308 : minor typos in MS-Windows files
- 7.3.1309 : no wait to hit enter when a script defines a function
- 7.3.1310 : typos in nsis script. Can use better compression
- 7.3.1311 : compiler warnings on Cygwin
- 7.3.1312 : Python: not giving correct error messages for SystemExit()
- 7.3.1313 : :py and :py3 don’t work with Cygwin or MingW and 64 bit
- 7.3.1314 : test 87 fails with Python 3.3
- 7.4a.001 : script to update syntax menu is outdated
- 7.4a.002 : valgrind errors in test 89
- 7.4a.003 : copyright year is outdated
- 7.4a.004 : MSVC 2012 Update 3 is not recognized
- 7.4a.005 : scroll binding causes unexpected scroll
- 7.4a.006 : failure in po file check goes unnoticed
- 7.4a.007 : after “g$” with ‘virtualedit’ set, “k” moves to other col
- 7.4a.008 : Python 3 handles characters wrong when ‘enc’ is not utf-8
- 7.4a.009 : compiler warnings for function prototypes
- 7.4a.010 : test 86 and 87 fail when 3 and using a static python library
- 7.4a.011 : configure check for Python 3 config name isn’t right
- 7.4a.012 : “make test” fails when using a shadow directory
- 7.4a.013 : with ‘conceal’ alignment after Tab depends on ‘lbr’
- 7.4a.014 : test 86 and 89 have a problem with using a shadow dir
- 7.4a.015 : missing Japanese man pages
- 7.4a.016 : uncommented features in Makefile
- 7.4a.017 : using “»” on a line just above fold may fold the cursor line
- 7.4a.018 : compiler warning for code unreachable
- 7.4a.019 : test 62 has command truncated at double quote
- 7.4a.020 : superfluous mb_ptr_adv()
- 7.4a.021 : using feedkeys() doesn’t always work
- 7.4a.022 : using “d2g$” does not delete the last character
- 7.4a.023 : still another superfluous parenthesis
- 7.4a.024 : X11 GUI: Checking icon height twice
- 7.4a.025 : get the press-Enter prompt even after using :redraw
- 7.4a.026 : “:diffoff” does not remove folds
- 7.4a.027 : ml_get errors when Python adds lines to another buffer
- 7.4a.028 : crash when spell checking in new buffer
- 7.4a.029 : can’t build with MzScheme on Ubuntu 13.04
- 7.4a.030 : (after 7.4a.027) missing find_win_for_buf()
- 7.4a.031 : compiler warnings
- 7.4a.032 : new regexp engine: Does not match shorter alternative
- 7.4a.033 : test 98 always passes
- 7.4a.034 : tabline may flicker when opening a new tab on Win32
- 7.4a.035 : fix in patch 7.4a.032 is not tested
- 7.4a.036 : “\p” in a regexp does not match double-width characters
- 7.4a.037 : Win32: mouse not unhidden when in the toolbar or tabline
- 7.4a.038 : GUI size computations wrong When using MSVC 2012
- 7.4a.039 : new regexp engine doesn’t match pattern
- 7.4a.040 : Win32: using uninitialized variable
- 7.4a.041 : When using “:new ++ff=unix” ‘ff’ may still be set to “dos”
- 7.4a.042 : crash when BufUnload autocommands close all buffers
- 7.4a.043 : more ml_get errors when adding or deleting lines from Python
- 7.4a.044 : test 96 sometimes fails
- 7.4a.045 : configure does not find Lua library, missing LuaJit support
- 7.4a.046 : can’t build without mbyte feature
- 7.4a.047 : some comments are not so nice
- accelerated-smooth-scroll : Scrolling in Vim with smooth animation and acceleration behavior
- mlessnau_case : “in-case” selection, deletion and substitution for underscore, camel, mixed case
- mlessnau_bisectional_movement : Allows horizontal movement in a bisectional fashion (command mode only)
- mlessnau_dark : dark 256 color scheme inspired by railscasts
- git_shade.vim : Colors lines in different intensities according to their age in git’s history
- vroom-syntax.vim : Syntax for Vroom-pm
- sexy_scroller.vim : Smooth animation of the cursor and the page whenever they move, with easing.
- ecostation : Smooth natural colors on dark background. Put some jungle in your Vim.
- yet-another-vim-buffer-list :
- proguard.vim : Syntax highlighting for ProGuard configuration files
- conflictslides : Exchange or assemble conflict content
- cottidie.vim : Your quotidian Vim tip in 78 characters
- NPM : Using Node Package Manager in Vim
- presenting.vim : A simple tool for presenting slides in vim based on text files.
- AutoAdapt : Automatically adapt timestamps, copyright notices, etc.
- hsftp : Upload and download files through sftp
- vim-addon-errorformats : error formats for Vim
- wabisabi : wabisabi.vim is a colorscheme of Gvim
- BidiComplete : Insert mode completion that considers text before AND AFTER the cursor.
- buildmenu : Plugin for managing a list of build targets (so far only with Waf)
- plum : Light & Dark colorscheme with ambient light detection (for Mac users)
- vim-airline : lean & mean statusline that’s light as air
- vim-sprunge : A pastebin vim plugin for
- terra.vim : Unofficial syntax highlighting for Terra (
- bbye : Delete buffers & close files without closing or messing up windows. Like Bclose.
- ctrlp-ssh : Open a new SSH connection via ctrlp.vim interface
- vim-berks : basic vim/berks integration
- monokai : Monokai colorscheme, originally ported to vim by Damien Gombault
- TurboMark : Mark and find lines in your open buffers on steroids
- bluecloud : A blue background color scheme
- android.vim : Initial release
- locate.vim : lvimgrep search enhanced
- nerdtree-execute : Execute OS file/dir handler from NERDTree
- ctrlp-tjump : CtrlP extension for fuzzy-search in tag matches (tjump/tselect replacement)
- node : Tools to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js. Like Rails.vim for Node.
- Vertigo : A better way to move vertically.
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (1747)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (1642)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1111)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (966)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (775)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (751)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (652)
- rails.vim : Ruby on Rails: easy file navigation, enhanced syntax highlighting, and more (635)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (621)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (584)
vim-jp issues
Open : 171 (+1) | Closed : 278 (+23) |
- Issue #426 : ftplugin/ocaml.vim を改善したい
- Issue #427 : Windowsでテスト実行時に改行コードが変更されるのを何とかしたい
- Issue #428 : undo が正しく動作しない
- Issue #429 : msvc で失敗するテスト その2
- Issue #430 : 補完候補の絞り込み時、第一候補の選択状態が継続されない
- Issue #431 : undo のテストを増やす
- Issue #432 : file-searching の ; が動かない
- Issue #433 : set number を設定した場合に column 位置がずれる
- Issue #434 : execute ‘function! …‘が最終行にあるとそれ以前のechoが表示されなくなる
- Issue #435 : 簡易モードがCUIのVimで動かない
- Issue #436 : :ver に +acl と +xpm を新設したい
- Issue #437 : autocmd InsertCharPreで渡される文字について
- Issue #438 : Vim 7.3.1314 で sunday.vimが正しく動作しない
- Issue #439 : 正規表現の \p でマルチバイト文字がマッチしない
- Issue #440 : 日本語manファイルを本家に取り込んでもらう
- Issue #441 : libintl.dll だけでなく intl.dll もロードするようにする
- Issue #442 : Macにおける lua/dyn のライブラリ名が適切でない
- Issue #443 : luaがない時に不正なconfig.mkが作られる
- Issue #444 : CUIでもimaf/imsfを使いたい
- Issue #445 : Windowsで $HOME/.vim/{vimrc,gvimrc} が読み込まれない
- Issue #446 : Windowsでマウスポインタが消えたままになる
- Issue #447 : 端末のウインドウが小さいと失敗するテストがある
- Issue #448 : 言語モードのマッピングがマクロに適用されない
- Issue #449 : ctags.exe のパスが通ってないのに executable(“ctags.exe”) が 1 を返す