Vim Magazine 4 月号
Posted on 2013-04-30話題
Vim Advent Calendar 2012 まだやってます。
- 7.3.876 : #if indents are off
- 7.3.877 : (after 7.3.871) forward searching with search() is broken
- 7.3.878 : ‘fileignorecase’ is missing in options window and quickref
- 7.3.879 : aborting an ex command does not abort a pending operator
- 7.3.880 : new viminfo history lines may be replacd with old lines
- 7.3.881 : Python list does not work correctly
- 7.3.882 : CursorHold may trigger after receiving the termresponse
- 7.3.883 : (after 7.3.880) can’t build with some combination of features
- 7.3.884 : compiler warning for variable shadowing another
- 7.3.885 : double free for list and dict in Lua
- 7.3.886 : can’t build with multi-byte on Solaris 10
- 7.3.887 : no tests for Visual mode operators, what 7.3.879 fixes
- 7.3.888 : filename completion with ‘fic’ does not work for multi-byte
- 7.3.889 : can’t build with Ruby 2.0 on a 64 bit system
- 7.3.890 : test 79 fails on Windows
- 7.3.891 : merging viminfo history doesn’t work well
- 7.3.892 : (after 7.3.891) still merging problems for viminfo history
- 7.3.893 : crash when using b:, w: or t: after closing the buffer etc.
- 7.3.894 : using wrong RUBY_VER causing Ruby build to break
- 7.3.895 : valgrind error in test 91
- 7.3.896 : memory leaks in Lua interface
- 7.3.897 : configure doesn’t always find the shared library
- 7.3.898 : memory leak reported by valgrind in test 91
- 7.3.899 : #if indents are off
- 7.3.900 : not obvious that some mouse features are mutual-exclusive
- 7.3.901 : outdated comment, ugly condition
- 7.3.902 : tabline not updated when deleting last buffer in other tab
- 7.3.903 : (after 7.3.892) crash on exit writing viminfo
- 7.3.904 : (after 7.3.893) using memory freed by the garbage collector
- 7.3.905 : (after 7.3.903) crash when writing viminfo
- 7.3.906 : the “sleep .2” for running tests does not work on Solaris
- 7.3.907 : Python uses IndexError when a dict key is not found
- 7.3.908 : possible crash when using a list in Python
- 7.3.909 : duplicate Python code
- 7.3.910 : Python code in #ifdef branches with only minor differences
- 7.3.911 : Python: Access to Vim variables is not so easy
- 7.3.912 : typing “:” at hit-enter dialog fails if the a file changed
- 7.3.913 : (after 7.3.905) still a crash when writing viminfo
- 7.3.914 : ~/.viminfo is messed up when running tests
- 7.3.915 : next encoding in ‘fencs’ is not used if error at the end
- 7.3.916 : using freed memory when pasting with the mouse (Issue 130)
- 7.3.917 : when a path ends in backslash appending a comma fails
- 7.3.918 : repeating Ex command after using Visual motion does not work
- vim-expand-region : Incremental visual selection
- rebtags : Easy tags rebuilding on your project directory.
- table-mode : Table Mode for VIM for allowing blazing fast table creation on the fly.
- eighties.vim : Automatically resizes your windows
- vim-xkbswitch : Automatic Keyboard Layout Switcher
- dispatch.vim : Asynchronous build and test dispatcher
- autohide : Set ‘hidden’ attribute on swap files and the like in Windows
- textobj-latex : Text objects for LaTeX code
- conflicts.vim : Syntax for *.conflicts files
- pytest-compiler : compiler plugin for py.test
- TLA+ : TLA+ plugin for Gvim
- HLPSL : HLPSL plugin for GVim
- vim-ember-script : Adds ember-script support to vim.
- thwins : Keep Vim Displaying Three Windows
- haml instant : haml to html instant preview inside vim
- forest : Light background color scheme with earthy colors.
- tornadotmpl.vim : syntax highlight for Python’s Tornado templates.
- Join : A more powerful line Join command in vim
- templateX : An advanced templating system
- translator : Translate words with web translation engines and show result in vim
- specta.vim : Syntax highlighting for Specta/Expecta
- vim-easy-align : A simple Vim alignment plugin
- vim-auto-save : Automatically save changes to disk
- VERun : Easily run/compile your files inside vim
- vim-multiple-cursors : True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
- vim-latex-live-preview : This plugin provides a live preview of the output PDF of your LaTeX file.
- vim-xtcl-syntax : Syntax highlighting for Xilinx Vivado TCL scripts
- vimongous : Query MongoDB from inside Vim
- vim-emblem : Adds emblem support to vim.
- modepar : Extended modelines to execute real Vim script when loading a file.
- GoldenView.Vim : Always have a nice view for vim split windows
- MakeDoxygenComment 2013 : Generate Doxygen Comment Skeleton
- ploticus.vim : Syntax file for Ploticus.
- TweetVim : twitter client
- milk.vim : A light milky color scheme
- videm : Vim’s IDE Mode
- vim-smartclose : Close Vim windows in a smart way!
- nextval : Inc-/decrement the current value (bool, int, numeric, hex) with one keystroke
- keymap.vim : Highligting for Linux console keyboard map files
- vim-gitmodeline : Store modelines in git config
- bookmarks.vim : Global markers like bookmarks
- project.vim : lcd to the root of the project everytime you BufEnter a file inside a project
- fenced-code-blocks : Edit fenced code blocks inside a GitHub Flavor Markdown in a better way
- ctrlp-z : fasd interface with ctrlp.vim
- eval.vim : Evaluate line or region with ^C
- vim-startify : A fancy start screen for Vim.
- MPage : Shows synchronized pages of a file in multiple windows
- vterm : A terminal emulator inside vim without extra dependencies
- ruby-syntaxchecker : Ruby syntax checker, display error and warnings in a quickfix split
- vagrant.vim : basic vim/vagrant integration
- svn_line_history.vim : display svn history for selected line: commit number, log message and full diff
- PreserveNoEOL : Preserve missing EOL at the end of text files.
- reprocessed.vim : A plugin for working with the Processing programming language.
- esperanto : Plugin for typing in Esperanto
- rspec.vim : Rspec syntax highlighting
- php annotations syntax : syntax highlighting for php annotations
- w3af.vim : Syntax file for W3AF scripts
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (2440)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (2258)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1406)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (1146)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (1068)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (997)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (954)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (833)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (831)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (822)
vim-jp issues
Open : 164 (+11) | Closed : 211 (+21) |
- Issue #344 : vim-dev に背景画像機能を(再)提案する
- Issue #345 : 補完関数を別スレッドで起動できないか?
- Issue #346 : complete_check()の挙動を改良する
- Issue #347 : Vim スクリプトの実行速度向上/バイトコード化
- Issue #348 : UNIXにおけるLuaJIT対応
- Issue #349 : vim-jp.org名刺が欲しい
- Issue #350 : foldmethod=”syntax”またはfoldmethod=”expr”の状態でバッファを変更をすると非常に遅い
- Issue #351 : if_luaでVimが落ちるらしい?(一度凍結)
- Issue #352 : if_luaでVim scriptのリストを操作するとSEGV?
- Issue #353 : Ubuntu 13.04でPython3のconfigディレクトリを見つけられない
- Issue #354 : Linuxで+lua/dyn時に正しいライブラリ名が取得できない
- Issue #355 : *NIXにおけるLuaJIT対応
- Issue #356 : 端末で変な文字がでる
- Issue #357 : getbufvar() で取得した辞書が bwipeout で不正になる
- Issue #358 : コマンド履歴が正常にviminfoに記録されない(7.3.880~)
- Issue #359 : 7.3.831で追加されたtest91でvalgrindがエラーを出す
- Issue #360 : XIM関連の謎パッチ
- Issue #361 : ja.po の typo 修正
- Issue #362 : if_python の例外をVim側でトラップする
- Issue #363 : src/po/Make_*.mak が不完全
- Issue #364 : ja.po のエンコード
- Issue #365 : f,F,t,Tの展開関数
- Issue #366 : CUIのVimで日本語入力すると縦分割したウインドウがずれるらしい
- Issue #367 : How to use vim-cmdsrv-nox
- Issue #368 : コンテキスト依存のマッピング
- Issue #369 : :wviminfo 時に Vim が落ちる
- Issue #370 : UTF-8化したKaoriYa版Vimで標準入力からUTF-8な文字列を読み込むと文字化けする
- Issue #371 : enc=utf-8 環境下での utf-8 の読み込みロジックを改良する
- Issue #372 : if_rubyで、autoloadの下層でrequireするとstack level too deepになる
- Issue #373 : Windows 7で複数ファイルをgvimにドラグ&ドロップしても1つしか開かない
- Issue #374 : mapadd(), mapdelete()パッチ作る
- Issue #375 : go言語のプラグインをVimにバンドルする