Vim Magazine 1 月号
Posted on 2013-01-31話題
Vim Advent Calendar 2012 まだやってます。
座談形式でvimに関する何かに取り組む会 神奈川 2月17日(日)
- 7.3.780 : char2nr() と nr2char() に utf8 引数が追加されました。’encoding’ が utf8 でなくてもユニコードの変換ができます。
- 7.3.787 : ‘relativenumber’ 設定時、カーソル行に現在の行番号が表示されるように変更されました。
- 7.3.763 : jumping to a mark does not open fold if it is in the same line
- 7.3.764 : not all message translation files are installed
- 7.3.765 : segfault when doing “cclose” on BufUnload in a python function
- 7.3.766 : “:help cpo-*” jumps to the wrong place
- 7.3.767 : (Win32) The _errno used for iconv may be the wrong one
- 7.3.768 : settabvar() and setwinvar() may move the cursor
- 7.3.769 : ‘matchpairs’ does not work with multi-byte characters
- 7.3.770 : vim.h indentation is inconsistent
- 7.3.771 : (after 7.3.769) uninitialized variable
- 7.3.772 : cursor at wrong location after doing %s/x/y/c
- 7.3.773 : (after 7.3.767) crash when OriginalFirstThunk is zero
- 7.3.774 : tiny GUI version misses console dialog feature
- 7.3.775 : Cygwin and Mingw builds miss dependency on gui_w48.c
- 7.3.776 : ml_get error when searching, caused by curwin/curbuf mismatch
- 7.3.777 : when building with Gnome locale gets reset
- 7.3.778 : compiler error for adding up two pointers
- 7.3.779 : backwards search lands in wrong place when on a multibyte char
- 7.3.780 : char2nr() and nr2char() always use ‘encoding’
- 7.3.781 : drawing with ‘guifontwide’ can be slow
- 7.3.782 : Windows: IME composition may use a wrong font
- 7.3.783 : crash when mark is not set
- 7.3.784 : (after 7.3.781) error when ‘guifontwide’ has a comma
- 7.3.785 : (after 7.3.776) crash with specific use of search pattern
- 7.3.786 : Python threads don’t run in the background (issue 103)
- 7.3.787 : with ‘relativenumber’ can’t see the absolute line number
- 7.3.788 : when only using patches build fails on missing nl.po
- 7.3.789 : (after 7.3.776) “\k” in regexp does not work in other window
- 7.3.790 : after reloading a buffer the modelines are not processed
- 7.3.791 : MzScheme interface doesn’t work propely
- 7.3.792 : “:substitute” works differently without confirmation
- 7.3.793 : (after 7.3.792) new :substutite behavior is not tested
- 7.3.794 : tiny build fails
- 7.3.795 : MzScheme does not build with tiny features
- 7.3.796 : “/[^\n]” does match at a line break
- 7.3.797 : (after 7.3.792) compiler warning for size_t to int conversion
- smartpairs : Fantastic selections for Vim
- paren-crosshairs : Displays crosshairs on the cursor when moving over parens
- basicXmlParser : Create object trees and save them as xml, or create trees from xml files.
- RepeatLast.vim : Provides <count>\. to repeat the last group of actions you performed.
- asm2d-vim : Vim plugin for the asm2d assembly language
- configurationUtility.vim : Save and load configuration files in a dictionary format with sections and items
- File Pirate : A very fast file picker plug-in
- Bufstop : Fast and efficient buffer switching for Vim
- Smartgf : ‘goto file’ on steroids!
- projectroot : Automatic guessing of projectroots
- CoqIDE : Emulate Coq IDE in VIM
- ljyat : base on molokai, add my change
- ferm.vim : Syntax highlighting for ferm; “For Easy Rule Making”, a frontend for iptables.
- sensible.vim : Defaults everyone can agree on
- boshiamy-cue.vim : Utilities for learning Boshiamy input method in traditional Chinese on vim
- boshiamy input method keymap file : This is the keymap file for Boshiamy chinese input method
- scriptease.vim : A Vim plugin for Vim plugins
- jk-jumps : Handle movements with j/k as if they were real jumps
- RocketJump : Jump to a visible line using alphabetic signs instead of line numbers
- CF Utils : ColdFusion (CF) syntax highlighting and utilities for Vim
- (color scheme) Faded-Black : A dark color scheme that looks as though it’s been through the wash.
- (color scheme) Faded-White : A light color scheme that looks as though it’s been through the wash.
- Tube : MacVim and iTerm or Terminal interaction without leaving MacVim
- vim-sunshine : A vim colorscheme
- vim-darksea : A vim colorscheme
- togglecursor : Changes cursor shape in supported terminals.
- vim-line-numbers : adds line-numbers & ruler to most edit files
- latex-support.vim : LaTeX-IDE for Vim/gVim
- lithochromatic : A clarity oriented, consistent vim color theme.
- haskell.vim : Another Haskell indent plugin.
- accelerated-jk : accelerate ‘j’ and ‘k’ moving
- Vimpanel : A modern side panel for Vim
- characterize.vim : Unicode character metadata
- metaweblog : Submit your RST article in VIM to Blog with metaweblog interface.
- cljfold.vim : Automagic folding of λ clojure code based on ‘foldwords’
- darkgit.vim : dark theme inspired in github.vim colorscheme
- GlobalOptions : Turn global options into buffer- or window-local ones.
- awk-support.vim : awk-support.vim : AWK-IDE for Vim/gVim
- vim-seek : Seek makes navigating long lines effortless, acting like f but taking two chars
- holokai : A slightly dark version of molokai
- Bck : Enhanced searching for Vim
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (702)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (375)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (225)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (209)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser (192)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (182)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (159)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (157)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (156)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (155)
vim-jp issues
Open : 132 (-5) | Closed : 169 (+17) |
- Issue #290 : タグジャンプがSEGVで落ちる事がある
- Issue #291 : W11発生時のファイル再読み込みでモードラインが無視される
- Issue #292 : Kaoriya 版の Vim(GUI) で :set ft すると 「E218: autocommandの入れ子が深過ぎます 」が発生する
- Issue #293 : gfw 設定時の描画処理が潜在的に遅い
- Issue #294 : gfw の該当文字に斜体や太字が効かない
- Issue #295 : netrwが重かったのでパッチを書きました。
- Issue #296 : netrwがヤバい
- Issue #297 : if_mruby の可能性について
- Issue #298 : 別バッファに移動するとハイライトがおかしくなる
- Issue #299 : GVim で set visualbell set t_vb=’’ したら描画がおかしくなる
- Issue #300 : if_ruby 複数バージョン対応化
- Issue #301 : Debian系のLinuxでPython 2.xと3.xが同時利用できない問題の原因と対策