Vim Magazine 7 月号
Posted on 2012-07-31話題
Vimに関する何かをやる会 東京 8月4日
Vimという宗教普及の会 沖縄 8月13日
- 7.3.610: “gn”、”gN” コマンドが追加されました。
- 7.3.583 : PyObject_NextNotImplemented is not defined before Python 2.7
- 7.3.584 : PyCObject is not always defined
- 7.3.585 : calling changed_bytes() too often
- 7.3.586 : MEMORYSTATUSEX not defined when compiling with Cygwin or MingW
- 7.3.587 : compiler warning for local var shadowing global var
- 7.3.588 : crash on NULL pointer
- 7.3.589 : crash when $HOME is not set
- 7.3.590 : the ‘< and ‘> marks cannot be set directly
- 7.3.591 : can only move to a tab by absolute number
- 7.3.592 : Vim on GTK does not support g:browsefilter
- 7.3.593 : no easy way to decide if b:browsefilter will work
- 7.3.594 : the X command server sends an empty reply for as-keys requests
- 7.3.595 : the X command server responds slowly
- 7.3.596 : can’t remove all signs for a file or buffer
- 7.3.597 : ‘clipboard’ “autoselect” only applies to the * register
- 7.3.598 : cannot act upon end of insert mode completion
- 7.3.599 : (after 7.3.597) missing change in one file
- 7.3.600 : <f-args> is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding
- 7.3.601 : bad code style
- 7.3.602 : missing files in distribution
- 7.3.603 : it is possible to add or replace builtin functions
- 7.3.604 : inputdialog() doesn’t use the cancel argument in the console
- 7.3.605 : MS-Windows: Can’t compile with older compilers
- 7.3.606 : CTRL-P completion has a problem with multi-byte characters
- 7.3.607 : with 8 color terminal selected menu item is black on black
- 7.3.608 : winrestview() does not always restore the view correctly
- 7.3.609 : file names in :checkpath! output are garbled
- 7.3.610 : cannot operate on the text that a search pattern matches
- 7.3.611 : can’t use Vim dictionary as self argument in Python
- 7.3.612 : auto formatting messes up text when ‘fo’ contains “2”
- 7.3.613 : including Python’s config.c in the build causes trouble
- 7.3.614 : number arg gets turned into number while it should be string
- 7.3.615 : completion does not recognized escaped spaces
- 7.3.616 : (after 7.3.610) can’t compile without +visual
- 7.3.617 : (after 7.3.615) hang on completion
- 7.3.618 : (after 7.3.616) still doesn’t compile with small features
- vim-signature : Plugin to toggle, display and navigate marks and signs
- vktheming : Make your vimwiki colorful
- viske : timeline calendar.
- kickAssembler syntax : Kick Assembler syntax file
- ptsc-header : Header parser for the Plain Text/Source Code File Header
- TaggedSearchPattern : Attach names to search patterns for easier recall.
- oh-l_l_vim : oh-l_l_vim
- tagbar-phpctags : Using phpctags to generate php ctags index for vim plugin tagbar.
- fix-git-diff-path.vim : Fix file paths from git diff output to DoTheRightThing
- slapd.vim : OpenLDAP (database, access and schema) configuration
- log4perl.vim : Log::Log4perl configuration syntax
- ConflictDetection : Detect and highlight SCM conflict markers.
- vim-pipe : Send a buffer to a shell command & quickly see the result.
- bls : bls: is a python script to list buffers opened in all (g)vim servers
- QueryCommandComplete : Plugin to create completions from an external query command (Mutt’s query_c
- rainbow-end : Rainbow highlight Ruby block open/close keywords
- spacepaste.vim : Interface to spacepaste-based pastebins
- change-hash-syntax : Change Ruby hash syntax to 1.9
- Briofita : a dark background GUI colorscheme
- refactor-rails.vim : A vim plugin to help refactoring rails projects
- Toggle NERDTree width : Changes width of the NERDTree to see even the longest file names
- star.vim : syntax highlighting for Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval (STAR) format
- LineJuggler : Duplicate and move around lines.
- Freebasic vim syntax file : Freebasic syntax file. Can be used since v5.7
- FileFastSelector : Plugin allows to open files with minimal number of keystrokes.
- seeks.vim : Make a seeks search inside vim
- vim-logaling : A logaling-command front-end
- rooter : Changes the working directory to the project root when you open a file.
- SearchAlternatives : Add / subtract alternatives to / from the search pattern.
- oldenglish.vim : Vim keymap file for Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
- Teradata 13.10 syntax : Teradata 13.10 SQL and BTEQ syntax file
- tui : Place holder for Vim TUI
- forms : Vim Forms TUI libraray
- vlog_inst_gen : utility for verilog instance generation
- ArgsAndMore : Apply commands to multiple buffers and manage the argument list.
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc) (3391)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem (3005)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim (1643)
- python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script (1382)
- molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate (1280)
- rails.vim : Ruby on Rails: easy file navigation, enhanced syntax highlighting, and more (1269)
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE – Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc. (1263)
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space (1220)
- pathogen.vim : Easy manipulation of ‘runtimepath’, ‘path’, ‘tags’, etc (1218)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database (1215)
vim-jp issues
Open : 124 (+5) | Closed : 107 (+12) |
- Issue #215 : ATOKとの組み合わせで未確定文字が不可視色になる
- Issue #216 : pythonのerrorformatがうまく機能しない?
- Issue #217 : inoremap 、 , が効かない
- Issue #218 : -complete=customlist の関数の ArgLead が数値になる
- Issue #219 : complete=customlist で空白を含んだ補完が出来ない
- Issue #220 : 提案:SGR形式のマウストラッキングサポート
- Issue #221 : 矩形選択を使用して複数の行に文字を入力した場合のインデントと入力される文字の挙動について
- Issue #222 : キーワード補完で不正な文字が補完される
- Issue #223 : GTKのIM関連のコード削除が妥当か検討する
- Issue #224 : hgコミットメッセージ用syntaxファイル
- Issue #225 : 複数行の ‘statusline’ を扱いたい
- Issue #226 : indent/vim.vimがignorecaseオプションを考慮していない
- Issue #227 : コマンドライン補完で omnifunc を使いたい
- Issue #228 : iminsertが直ちには反映されない
- Issue #229 : Win: native以外のencを指定した場合に動作がおかしくなる
- Issue #230 : UNIX: systemencodingの導入検討
- Issue #231 : windowsでalt-tabでのフォーカス切り替えがモタつく