Patch 9.1.1243 Problem: Diff mode's inline highlighting is lackluster. It only
performs a line-by-line comparison, and calculates a single
shortest range within a line that could encompass all the
changes. In lines with multiple changes, or those that span
multiple lines, this approach tends to end up highlighting
much more than necessary.
Patch 9.1.1242 Problem: Crash when evaluating variable name (after v9.1.0870) Solution: calculate the strlen() directly instead of pointer
arithmetics, fix missing assignment to lp->ll_name_end in
get_lval() (zeertzjq)
Patch 9.1.1239 Problem: if_python: no tuple data type support (after v9.1.1232) Solution: Add support for using Vim tuple in the python interface
(Yegappan Lakshmanan)