Wanted: Lightning talkers at the “Vim” sub-event in RubyKaigi 2010
Posted at 2010/08/10ツイート

- RubyKaigi 2010 Conference Pass (Don’t you have one yet?)
- Passion to talk about Vim
About presentation
Theme: Anything which is related to both Vim and Ruby.
- Time limit: 5 minutes (not including question-and-answer session)
- Spoken language: English or Japanese
- Please use xx-large font for live Vim session.
Please send email to vimkaigi2010 at googlegroups.com with the following information:
- Subject: “Vim at RubyKaigi2010 LT Proposal”
- Your name (real name and/or handle, you may conceal either of both names if you want so)
- Self-introduction (for example: the size of ~/.vimrc, Vim plugins you made)
- Title of your presentation
- Its abstract
- Anything else (message to the organizer of this sub-event)
Editor: kana
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